recharge from pit
recharge from pit
i used hydrus 3d version 3.04 (Licensed version)to simulate infiltration from the small pit having dimensions of 85 cm deep and 65 cm diameter in 2D Domain . initially pit was filled upto 82 cm and water in the pit was noted for different time period. i run the model to optimize the hydraulic properties For sandy clay loam soil at the site. for this i considered axis symmetric domain ( for inverse solution : x column: time interval; Y column: depth of water in pit at that time; Type: time- Head, position 2, weight=1 for all data values) to run model but the fitted and observed values are not matching as attached in the photo file.
for more details i attached input data and project file, anyone please rectify the error and suggest to proceed
thanking you
TNAU (India)
i used hydrus 3d version 3.04 (Licensed version)to simulate infiltration from the small pit having dimensions of 85 cm deep and 65 cm diameter in 2D Domain . initially pit was filled upto 82 cm and water in the pit was noted for different time period. i run the model to optimize the hydraulic properties For sandy clay loam soil at the site. for this i considered axis symmetric domain ( for inverse solution : x column: time interval; Y column: depth of water in pit at that time; Type: time- Head, position 2, weight=1 for all data values) to run model but the fitted and observed values are not matching as attached in the photo file.
for more details i attached input data and project file, anyone please rectify the error and suggest to proceed
thanking you
TNAU (India)
- Attachments
- inverse solution out put.JPG (97.3 KiB) Viewed 10739 times
- inverse solutiom pit
- (1.31 MiB) Downloaded 1117 times
- demo pit trial data.xlsx
- (12.59 KiB) Downloaded 897 times
Re: recharge from pit
For a problem like this, you should use the reservoir BC (see the attached file). If you measured the location of the water level in the pit (reservoir), that’s location 1 (the first observation node, not the second one). Without any fitting, this is what I got.
- Attachments
- Untitled.png (19.99 KiB) Viewed 10729 times
Re: recharge from pit
The project. J.
- Attachments
- inverse solutiom pit one.rar
- (1.11 MiB) Downloaded 1032 times
Re: recharge from pit
thanks a lot for clarifying errors in the boundary condition selection in previous.
in the image attached you have given diameter instead of radius of pit i think (Reservoir) and further i run the model with radius of pit 32.5 cm as per my case dimensions.
my another question is that,
1) Now i fill this pit (well type or reservoir) with small 6m stone chips around the hallow pipe at the center of pit having enough slots to infiltrate from sides and bottom. for this case is it necessary to assign boundary condition (BC) for slotted pipe ? if yes what may be the right BC?
i am thinking that no need to apply BC for pipe inserted to observe water level because due to enough open slots made water within pipe and stone chips as same water level.
2) Shoud i proceed with reservoir BC with two sub regions ( stone chips and soil region)
thanks a lot for clarifying errors in the boundary condition selection in previous.
in the image attached you have given diameter instead of radius of pit i think (Reservoir) and further i run the model with radius of pit 32.5 cm as per my case dimensions.
my another question is that,
1) Now i fill this pit (well type or reservoir) with small 6m stone chips around the hallow pipe at the center of pit having enough slots to infiltrate from sides and bottom. for this case is it necessary to assign boundary condition (BC) for slotted pipe ? if yes what may be the right BC?
i am thinking that no need to apply BC for pipe inserted to observe water level because due to enough open slots made water within pipe and stone chips as same water level.
2) Shoud i proceed with reservoir BC with two sub regions ( stone chips and soil region)
- Attachments
- well radius or diamter error.JPG (59.28 KiB) Viewed 10725 times
- 23273cac-7e3f-4464-bbce-a92df69f968b.jpg (234.31 KiB) Viewed 10725 times
- 2355ffc6-db3f-4b50-9790-6d78822f9750.jpg (134.14 KiB) Viewed 10725 times
Re: recharge from pit
These are the decisions that you have to make based on your understanding of the system. J.
Re: recharge from pit
sir, i run model for inverse solution with two material (1 sand to compensate gravel porosity & sandy clay loam) . after running the model why there is no correlation matrix and why its showing observed cumulative water loss depth only but not fitted cumulative water loss (instead showing depth of water in well for various time period recorded).in time variable B C window i have given water depth in well for different time . and in inverse solution window (X= time, y= cumulate water depth loss from well, type= time -head, position=1 i.e., observation node number as i measured water depth in well from bottom center).
i want to know
1) optimize the parameter,
2) observed vs fitted infiltration from well
i want to know
1) optimize the parameter,
2) observed vs fitted infiltration from well
- Attachments
- mini well 2M
- (1.11 MiB) Downloaded 767 times
- observed infiltration depth losss and pressureead.JPG (116.37 KiB) Viewed 10614 times
- no correlation matrixapril.JPG (111.32 KiB) Viewed 10614 times
Re: recharge from pit
In the project that I sent you previously, the project was correctly set up for parameter optimization. Here, I can see from your figures, that it is all wrong again. You need to learn from what I give you, otherwise I cannot help you.
This is the result from the project that I sent you that compares measured and fitted heads. You can obviously also see it from the figure in my previous posting.
This is the result from the project that I sent you that compares measured and fitted heads. You can obviously also see it from the figure in my previous posting.
- Attachments
- Untitled.png (25.15 KiB) Viewed 10608 times
Re: recharge from pit
sorry for the trouble,
initially i practiced the project without considering stone chips (Gravel) filled around the slotted pvc pipe (The project that u sent back after correcting Reservoir BC). after that i run the model for considering the stone chips filled around the pvc pipe (30 cm Diameter). Now i applied Reservoir BC (well radius=15 cm, depth to well bottom=-85 cm and initial water level in the well -3 cm) as u applied accordingly. now in Domain I created two surfaces with 2 different material (one as sand material to compensate stone chips high porosity (17.5 cm width) and second material as sandy clay loam soil). though i practiced as u corrected in the project and i couldn't able to get proper results for this.
first i run the model for forward run then there is no proper results (First project attached below) and second case with inverse run ( by giving no constraints for minimum and maximum value to get final optimized results). here there is no correlation matrix , no final optimized results, huge difference in observed and fitted values.
Note1: sir, there is no final optimized results i. e., non linear least square final results (alpha, theta r, theta s and Ks , n) in the project that u sent back to me earlier, though its showing good observed and fitted values
here with i am attaching forward run project and inverse project sedately.
1) what i did wrong here
after applying Reservoir BC even though it considers variable pressure head and seepage face BC internally i tried below BC conditions
when i did not get the results by considering seepage face at well bottom and side (Reservoir boundary condition), then in another two projects i run the model for seepage face at the well side wall and variable head 1 (Dirchlet BC) at bottom of well along with reservoir boundary condition (well radius=15 cm, depth to well bottom=-85 cm and initial water level in the well -3 cm). then i got the results somewhat similar as in the project that u sent me back. but i felt like result is wrong bcs at the end of the time (394 min) the water level in the well is 62.5 cm (observed data) the pressure head the seepage face just slightly above bottom is (-27.957 in pressure distribution). even though there is good observed and fitted values but why there is no correlation matrix. here with attach another to projects with bottom as variable pressure head boundary.
is this B C conditions wrong here?
Note2: in yesterdays project i tried to run hydrus by giving cumulative loss of water
Note3: in below attached files( miniwell 2M is forward run and miniwell 2M infil is inverse solution for Reservoir BC (seepage facet well bottom and side)) and another two projects are Reservoir BC with variable pressure head 1 at the bottom. i need to compare forward and inverse solution results
sorry for the trouble,
initially i practiced the project without considering stone chips (Gravel) filled around the slotted pvc pipe (The project that u sent back after correcting Reservoir BC). after that i run the model for considering the stone chips filled around the pvc pipe (30 cm Diameter). Now i applied Reservoir BC (well radius=15 cm, depth to well bottom=-85 cm and initial water level in the well -3 cm) as u applied accordingly. now in Domain I created two surfaces with 2 different material (one as sand material to compensate stone chips high porosity (17.5 cm width) and second material as sandy clay loam soil). though i practiced as u corrected in the project and i couldn't able to get proper results for this.
first i run the model for forward run then there is no proper results (First project attached below) and second case with inverse run ( by giving no constraints for minimum and maximum value to get final optimized results). here there is no correlation matrix , no final optimized results, huge difference in observed and fitted values.
Note1: sir, there is no final optimized results i. e., non linear least square final results (alpha, theta r, theta s and Ks , n) in the project that u sent back to me earlier, though its showing good observed and fitted values
here with i am attaching forward run project and inverse project sedately.
1) what i did wrong here
after applying Reservoir BC even though it considers variable pressure head and seepage face BC internally i tried below BC conditions
when i did not get the results by considering seepage face at well bottom and side (Reservoir boundary condition), then in another two projects i run the model for seepage face at the well side wall and variable head 1 (Dirchlet BC) at bottom of well along with reservoir boundary condition (well radius=15 cm, depth to well bottom=-85 cm and initial water level in the well -3 cm). then i got the results somewhat similar as in the project that u sent me back. but i felt like result is wrong bcs at the end of the time (394 min) the water level in the well is 62.5 cm (observed data) the pressure head the seepage face just slightly above bottom is (-27.957 in pressure distribution). even though there is good observed and fitted values but why there is no correlation matrix. here with attach another to projects with bottom as variable pressure head boundary.
is this B C conditions wrong here?
Note2: in yesterdays project i tried to run hydrus by giving cumulative loss of water
Note3: in below attached files( miniwell 2M is forward run and miniwell 2M infil is inverse solution for Reservoir BC (seepage facet well bottom and side)) and another two projects are Reservoir BC with variable pressure head 1 at the bottom. i need to compare forward and inverse solution results
- Attachments
- mini well
- (958.67 KiB) Downloaded 1057 times
- mini well
- (850.01 KiB) Downloaded 935 times
- mini well 2M
- (864.64 KiB) Downloaded 1098 times
- mini well .zip
- (888.29 KiB) Downloaded 960 times
Re: recharge from pit
I will not have time to look at your projects (now four of them) again (if anyone else wants to do that, go ahead). I’m trying to help HYDRUS users with their initial steps (so that they are on the right path; and I have already done that in this case). I do not have time to spend hours on projects of individual HYDRUS users. If you need such help, you can request a paid service from PC-Progress. Jirka
Re: recharge from pit
sir ,
note: i am using 3D profesional licensed version 3.xx
i am applying seepage face Boundary condition first and then after in reservoir boundary condition window i am applying initial water level in the well and well bottom level (i mean Z coordinates respectively), radius of the well.
1) my question is , is this what reservoir boundary condition means actually?
or is there any optipn like Reserviour BC in the boundry condition options window (in list of BCS, No flux, seepage face, variable head 1, variable head 2, 3, 4, free drainage......... list)
2) confirm, the option variable head 1 is a Dirichlet BC.
3) axis symmetric domain in simulating well infiltration is 3D?
4) applying the bottom boundary as variable head 1 and well side as seepage face (also applying reservoir BC inputs in a window) provided some results but my confusion is whether it compulsary that bottom and side of well wall in 2d axisymmetric domain should be a seepage face while applying reservoir BC.
note: i am using 3D profesional licensed version 3.xx
i am applying seepage face Boundary condition first and then after in reservoir boundary condition window i am applying initial water level in the well and well bottom level (i mean Z coordinates respectively), radius of the well.
1) my question is , is this what reservoir boundary condition means actually?
or is there any optipn like Reserviour BC in the boundry condition options window (in list of BCS, No flux, seepage face, variable head 1, variable head 2, 3, 4, free drainage......... list)
2) confirm, the option variable head 1 is a Dirichlet BC.
3) axis symmetric domain in simulating well infiltration is 3D?
4) applying the bottom boundary as variable head 1 and well side as seepage face (also applying reservoir BC inputs in a window) provided some results but my confusion is whether it compulsary that bottom and side of well wall in 2d axisymmetric domain should be a seepage face while applying reservoir BC.
Re: recharge from pit
I have posted multiple test examples on a reservoir BC on the HYDRUS website ( ... eservoirBC). Have you looked at these examples?
I also provide a detailed description of Reservoir BCs in the Technical Manual (Section Reservoir Boundary Conditions) and User Manual (Section 6.3.4. Reservoir Boundary Condition). Have you looked at these texts?
It seems to me that you can find answers to all your questions in these resources. J.
I also provide a detailed description of Reservoir BCs in the Technical Manual (Section Reservoir Boundary Conditions) and User Manual (Section 6.3.4. Reservoir Boundary Condition). Have you looked at these texts?
It seems to me that you can find answers to all your questions in these resources. J.
Re: recharge from pit
thank you sir,
1) i used initial parameters from neural network prediction by known sand , silt , clay % values and average bulk density ((well top + well Bottom)/2), , and i want to optimize these values with inverse solution for the falling head, the problem with these initial value is that after running the model the estimated depth of water in the well is very less than the observed value. i adjusted Ks value to smaller value and i got par results of water levels to observed data but optimized value of theta s (saturated) is more than the porosity of soil.
Note : maximum value is 0 , i kept this to run as unconstrained and if i keep this porosity value as maximum i am getting same value in the optimized results.
2) sir, once after running the model i am getting water distribution in vertical and horizontal direction from the well but i am unable to find how much length it is distributed. i can draw dimensions of the geometry.
1) i used initial parameters from neural network prediction by known sand , silt , clay % values and average bulk density ((well top + well Bottom)/2), , and i want to optimize these values with inverse solution for the falling head, the problem with these initial value is that after running the model the estimated depth of water in the well is very less than the observed value. i adjusted Ks value to smaller value and i got par results of water levels to observed data but optimized value of theta s (saturated) is more than the porosity of soil.
Note : maximum value is 0 , i kept this to run as unconstrained and if i keep this porosity value as maximum i am getting same value in the optimized results.
2) sir, once after running the model i am getting water distribution in vertical and horizontal direction from the well but i am unable to find how much length it is distributed. i can draw dimensions of the geometry.
- Attachments
- Screenshot (3).png (426.46 KiB) Viewed 10199 times
Re: recharge from pit
Ad 1. I have no comments.
Ad 2. For this purpose, we have implemented in Version 5 of HYDRUS the tool “Measure Distance” between two selected positions: However, since this tool was not available in Version 3, you will need to calculate the distance based on the coordinates of finite element nodes.
Ad 2. For this purpose, we have implemented in Version 5 of HYDRUS the tool “Measure Distance” between two selected positions: However, since this tool was not available in Version 3, you will need to calculate the distance based on the coordinates of finite element nodes.
Re: recharge from pit
Sir ,
i have simulated water loss from well for the axis-symmetric domain but i need to design geometry in a 3D Soil block installed with well.
1) is it possible to design 3d well in soil block and can we apply reserviour BC for this? if yes pls give me steps to design a small well of diameter 100 cm and depth of 50 cm in a 500 cm square soil block
2) i run a simulation for a axis symmetrical domain and i have one observation point at the bottom of the well to know the depth of water in well for different times and as water infiltrates from well bottom and sides there will wetting front around the well so i also installed 3 tensiometers around the same periphery of well in 3 different depths ( records data for every 5 min), i want compare simulated results at the points with my tensiometer data so where to enter these tensiometer data with time in hydrus as input? or whether we have to compare these tensiometer data values with simulated resultes by creating observation nodes at those depths?
3) in axis symetric domain simulation i injected the well with a discharge of 0.0075 m3/sec for 10 min and i entered (- 0.0075 L3/T) in VAR.flux1 column for this 10 min, is it right way? once after filling the well i used diffrent depth of water ( after loss with time ) in well for inverse simulation and in this while applying Reservoir BC is it z coordinate of the initial water level is Z coordinate of the WELL bottom?
my observation values recorded at well bottom is diffrent time and tensiometer records in different time so is there chance togive all these tensiometer data as input as observed data?
i have simulated water loss from well for the axis-symmetric domain but i need to design geometry in a 3D Soil block installed with well.
1) is it possible to design 3d well in soil block and can we apply reserviour BC for this? if yes pls give me steps to design a small well of diameter 100 cm and depth of 50 cm in a 500 cm square soil block
2) i run a simulation for a axis symmetrical domain and i have one observation point at the bottom of the well to know the depth of water in well for different times and as water infiltrates from well bottom and sides there will wetting front around the well so i also installed 3 tensiometers around the same periphery of well in 3 different depths ( records data for every 5 min), i want compare simulated results at the points with my tensiometer data so where to enter these tensiometer data with time in hydrus as input? or whether we have to compare these tensiometer data values with simulated resultes by creating observation nodes at those depths?
3) in axis symetric domain simulation i injected the well with a discharge of 0.0075 m3/sec for 10 min and i entered (- 0.0075 L3/T) in VAR.flux1 column for this 10 min, is it right way? once after filling the well i used diffrent depth of water ( after loss with time ) in well for inverse simulation and in this while applying Reservoir BC is it z coordinate of the initial water level is Z coordinate of the WELL bottom?
my observation values recorded at well bottom is diffrent time and tensiometer records in different time so is there chance togive all these tensiometer data as input as observed data?
Re: recharge from pit
I will not have time to answer your questions as I’m currently traveling in Africa.
However, I would want to stress one thing. This discussion forum is meant to help you start your project, it is not meant to solve all your problems. You need to do your own job as well. For example, the reservoir BCs are fully described in the technical manual.
However, I would want to stress one thing. This discussion forum is meant to help you start your project, it is not meant to solve all your problems. You need to do your own job as well. For example, the reservoir BCs are fully described in the technical manual.