HYDRUS Services
Numerical modeling of highly nonlinear systems, such as variably saturated water flow in porous media, is a very complex problem and users without sufficient experience and training do not always obtain correct results. Therefore, in addition to free services and sources, we have decided to provide to users of HYDRUS extended services by supporting the use of the standard version of HYDRUS, as well as implementing user-requested modifications of HYDRUS. Similar services are offered also for the Hydrus-1D software package, the one-dimensional version.
Support of the standard version of HYDRUS.
This service includes:
- Conceptual model formulation
- Specific problem formulation, specification of initial and boundary conditions
- Entry of input data, generation of finite element mesh, calculation of various scenarios
- Final report in MS Word format with graphical and text presentation of numerical results
- Provide HYDRUS input and output data files either by email or on a CD
- Calibrate HYDRUS against measured data
Paid service
Modification of graphical user interface (GUI) or computational module based on clients' specification.
This service includes:
- Service A above
- Modification of a computational module and/or GUI for problems that cannot be solved using the standard version of HYDRUS. Providing modified version to client or using it for service A (above)
Possible modifications: - Additional models for describing soil hydraulic properties
- Soil hydraulic properties in tabular form
- Additional sorption (e.g., Gunary, Tempkin, exponential, double Langmuir) and/or decay (e.g., Monod, Michaelis-Menton, logarithmic, logistic) models
- Problem specific boundary conditions
- Additional dynamic boundary conditions
- Sharp material interfaces (e.g., for capillary barriers)
- Wells (e.g., draw down and/or filling)
- Colloid, virus, and/or bacteria transport: air-water interface, additional blocking functions, size exclusion
- Density dependent water flow
- Coupled heat, flow and vapor transport
- Energy balance at the soil surface
- Other than sequential interactions between individual solute species
- Coupling with additional hydrobiogeochemical modules (e.g., PHREEQC, similarly to HP1)
- Variable gravity term (e.g., centrifuge or extraterrestrial conditions)
- Different definitions of the objective function for inverse modeling
- Dual-permeability water flow and solute transport (e.g., Gerke and van Genuchten, 1993)
- Falling water level dependent on infiltration, precipitation, and evaporation (e.g., furrows and ponds)
- Many others
Paid service
How the services are provided
Since HYDRUS users are located around the world on virtually every continent (Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia, and Africa), it is often not feasible for us to provide services A and B in the form of personal contact between our company and clients. Therefore, we will use all available advantages of the worldwide spread of Internet and e-technologies by providing our services using this medium. We hence assume that all contacts between our office and our clients (from problem formulation to code modification and enhancement, and transfer of final products/reports) will be done by e-mail, fax, phone, and/or mail (CDs).
Basic conditions for HYDRUS services can be found here. For all other questions or orders please contact us: hydrus@pc-progress.cz