We are currently planning for 2025 HYDRUS short courses in India, Prague, China, US, Israel. You can find more details about some of these planned courses on the HYDRUS short courses webpage.
August, 2024
We congratulate our collaborator, Jirka Simunek, for reaching, according to Google Scholar, 50,000 citations and an h-index of 108, milestones only a few scientists in the field of soil science and hydrology reach (although the number of citations is only about half of Rien's - see below).
June, 2024
We are adding two more HYDRUS short courses. One will be on-site in Chile (August 20-22, 2024), and another on-line for the American continent (September 9-10, 2024).
June 24-26, 2024
The HYDRUS short course in Prague, Czech Republic - (Online/Onsite - Hybrid options).
April 8, 2023
New version HYDRUS 5.04 has been released. This version includes many new options, e.g., a) the Brunswick soil hydraulic property model, b) The GOpt module with three global optimization algorithms (1D), c) physically-based root water uptake models, d) coupled water, vapor, and energy transport in 2D/3D, e) clogging in 2D, etc. Many of these new options are described by Šimůnek et al. (2024).
March, 2024
We congratulate our collaborator, Rien van Genuchten, for reaching, according to Google Scholar, 100,000 citations, a milestone no one has ever reached before in the field of soil science and hydrology.
February, 2024
We would like to invite you to read our latest HYDRUS manuscript summarizing recent and planned developments and applications of the HYDRUS computer software packages since 2016 (Šimůnek et al., 2024, Supplementary Material).
February, 2024
We congratulate our collaborator, Rien van Genuchten, to be selected a member of the US National Academy of Engineering.
December, 2023
The book entitled Principle and Application of Hydrus Model in Environmental Soil Physics has been published in Chinese
December, 2023
A fully funded M.Sc./Ph.D. position in “irrigation and plant environment” is available at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer, Israel. (see details)
September, 2023
New version HYDRUS 5.03 has been released.
September, 2023
We will be giving in September two online HYDRUS courses for the US and East Asia time zones.
April, 2023
Jirka Simunek (with Binayak Mohanty and Jan Hopmans) are guest editors of a Special Section of the Vadose Zone Journal organized to honor Rien van Genuchten. This special section targets articles from authors that either collaborated with Dr. van Genuchten or built their research program based on Rien’s many contributions to the fields of soil physics and vadose zone hydrology, and whose manuscripts would thus be a tribute to his work.
April, 2023
The HYDRUS week in Prague (April 17-21, 2023). It includes a three-day HYDRUS short course and a two-day HYDRUS conference.
February, 2023
The HYDRUS short course in India (February 24-26, 2023).
February, 2023
We congratulate our collaborator, Rien van Genuchten, who is this year's recipient of the Wolf prize for agriculture, which is considered by many to be the Nobel Prize in Agriculture. You can read about how big a deal this is in Wikipedia.
Older Events:
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008