The PFAS Module
Sorption to (distribution between soil water and) air-water interface
When evaluating the fate and transport of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) under dynamic vadose zone conditions, one needs to consider sorption to (distribution between soil water and) air-water interface [Silva et al., 2019, 2020, 2021]. In that case, the term accounting for the distribution of a solute between the liquid and gaseous phases is replaced with a new term accounting for solute sorption to the air-water interface as follows:
where Gamma is the interfacial adsorbed concentration (i.e., mass or moles per unit area of the interface, or M/L2), and Aaw is the air-water interfacial area, which has units of [L2/L3] or [1/L]. The air-water interfacial area Aaw is calculated from the pressure head-saturation relationship using equation (8) of Bradford et al. [2015] (also Bradford and Leij [1997]):
where Sigma_aw is the air-water surface tension [M/T2], Paw is the capillary pressure [M/L/T2], theta_s is the saturated water content [L3/L3], ro_w is the density of water [M/L], and g is the gravitational acceleration [L/T2]. The users can specify at input an additional constant, which allows them to linearly scale the interfacial area Aaw.
The interfacial adsorbed concentration (Gamma, mass or moles per unit area of the interface, or M/L2) can be calculated directly using the Freundlich-Langmuir adsorption isotherm as:
where Gamma_max [M/L2] is the maximum surface concentration (i.e., at the solubility limit), and KH [for linear sorption, L3/M1, for Freundlich sorption L^(3Beta)/M^Beta], Beta [-], and KL [L^(3Beta)/M^Beta] are empirical coefficients.
Concentration Dependence of the Soil Hydraulic Functions
The scaling technique, similar to one used to describe the temperature dependence of soil hydraulic properties, is used in HYDRUS to express the concentration dependence of the soil hydraulic functions. The primary impact of surface-active organic solutes on unsaturated flow is through the dependence of soil water pressure head on surface tension. The dependence of surface tension on solute concentration is described according to Adamson and Gast (1997) and Henry et al. (2001).
where a [L3/M1] and b [-] are constants for the compound of interest, sigma(c) the surface tension at concentration c, and sigma_0 the surface tension at the reference concentration.
A similar expression is used to consider the dependence of viscosity as a function of solute concentration (Smith and Gillham, 1999).
where d [L3/M1] and e [-] are constants for the compound of interest, nu(c) the kinematic viscosity at concentration c, and nu_0 is kinematic viscosity at the reference concentration.
Test Examples
- Project Group: PFAS
- Description: Examples demonstrating the development and verification of the PFAS module
- Availability: Download HYDRUS projects now (5.0 MB)
- Note: Test example sposted below (except for Paper1a and Paper2a) were created in Version 5.01. Since then (in version 5.03), we have implemented a two-site sorption model for adsorption to AWI. So, if the examples posted below are run in version 5.03 of HYDRUS or later, you need to set FracA=1 (in the Reaction Parameters window). FracA is a dimensionless fraction of adsorption AWI sites classified as type-1 (i.e., sites with instantaneous sorption) that should be equal to 1 if only equilibrium sorption to AWI is considered (as was done in these examples).
Test on Linear Sorption
Test on Gas Linear Sorption
Test on AWI Linear Sorption
Test on AWI Linear Sorption, ScalAWI=2
Test on Nonlinear Sorption, eta=0.9, beta=1.0
Test on Nonlinear Sorption, eta=0.0, beta=1.2
Test on Nonlinear Sorption, eta=0.0, beta=0.8
Test on AWI NonLinear Sorption, eta=0.9, beta=1.0
Test on AWI NonLinear Sorption, eta=0.0, beta=1.2
Test on AWI NonLinear Sorption, eta=0.0, beta=0.8
Test on AWI NonLinear Sorption: eta=0.0, beta=0.8, Sorption to solid: eta=0.2, beta=0.8
Test on AWI NonLinear Sorption, eta=0.9, beta=1.0, Inverse
Silva et al. (2020); Vertical transport of a tracer, and a chemical sorbing to solid phase, AWI, and both solid and AWI, one rainfall event
Silva et al. (2020); Vertical transport of a tracer, and a chemical sorbing to solid phase, AWI, and both solid and AWI, transient BCs
- Silva, J. A. K., J. Šimůnek, and J. E. McCray, A modified HYDRUS model for simulating PFAS transport in the vadose zone, Water, 12, 2758, 24 p., doi: 10.3390/w12102758, 2020.
- Silva, J. A. K., J. Šimůnek, and J. E. McCray, Comparison of methods to estimate air-water interfacial areas for evaluating PFAS transport in the vadose zone, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 247, 103984, 13 p., doi: org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2022.103984, 2022.
- Silva, J. A. K., J. Šimůnek, J. L. Guelfo, and J. E. McCray, Simulated leaching of PFAS from land-applied municipal biosolids at agricultural sites, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 251, 104089, 14 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2022.104089, 2022.
- Šimůnek, J., M. Šejna, G. Brunetti, and M. Th. van Genuchten, The HYDRUS Software Package for Simulating the One-, Two, and Three-Dimensional Movement of Water, Heat, and Multiple Solutes in Variably Saturated Media, Technical Manual I, Hydrus 1D, Version 5.0, PC Progress, Prague, Czech Republic, 334p., 2022. (PDF 3.9MB)
- Šimůnek, J., M. Th. van Genuchten, and M. Šejna, The HYDRUS Software Package for Simulating One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Movement of Water, Heat, and Multiple Solutes in Variably-Saturated Porous Media, Technical Manual II, Hydrus 2D/3D. Version 5.0, PC Progress, Prague, Czech Republic, 283 p., 2022. (PDF 3.6MB)