Hardware Key
A Hardware Key (HASP), also called a "dongle", is a software copy protection device that plugs into the USB port of the computer. Upon startup, the application looks for the key and will run only if the key contains the appropriate code. Hardware keys are very effective copy protection devices, because they cannot be duplicated by the user.
PC-Progress sends the hardware key to customers via a priority mail, with a possibility of tracking the shipment on the internet. In some cases (e.g., if it is possible to insure the shipment for the relevant amount), we send a completely programmed HASP, which is ready to be used, it only needs to be plugged into a USB port (see Option A below). In other cases, we send the HASP, which requires a one-time activation performed by a customer (see Option B below). In any case, we expect an e-mail from a customer confirming the receipt of the hardware key and a successfull installation of Hydrus.
Advantages of HASP
- Proven solutions by SafeNet, verified by hundreds of thousands of installations and users.
- No activation of the software (e.g., HYDRUS) is needed. Activation of the program brings some disadvantages, such as that the program can be activated only on the allowed number of computers and the activation is always time-limited (up to 1 year) and needs to be repeatedly renewed. Under certain circumstances, the activation code may not be immediately available and users have to wait till they get it (e.g., activation by e-mail). The hardware key (dongle) gives users assurance that the program can be easily installed and used, for example, on a new computer.
- The program (e.g., HYDRUS) can be used on multiple computers (e.g., desktop and laptop) only by transferring a small USB key.
- Easier and safer installation of a network version. The network installation using a software key (activation) is somewhat more complicated and some network administrators have complained about its lack of flexibility. The use of HASP eliminates these problems.
Installation Instructions
When purchasing a new HYDRUS license with HASP, the customer usually receives a fully functional HASP by post. Then it is necessary to install HYDRUS according to point A below. However, under certain circumstances, you can receive HASP which requires a one-time activation. You will be informed about this fact in advance by our customer support and then you can follow point B. It may also happen that you have already had a HYDRUS license with HASP and you have purchased its upgrade. Then it is necessary to activate a new license in your HASP only once, according to point C.
Option A - Fully functional HASP
- We recommend to install Hydrus before installing HASP (i.e. before plugging it into a USB port).
- Login into ELIS and download the latest HYDRUS installation program. You can find all installation programs on the page "Downloads".
- The HYDRUS installation program is a self-extracting file, created in InstallShield (e.g., Hydrus3D_2.02.0670.exe). Once you double-click on it, it will automatically unpack into a temporary directory and start running Setup. Follow the instructions provided by SetUp.
- The installation program will ask you for destination directories for the HYDRUS program files and data files (HYDRUS projects and settings). Remember that HYDRUS projects should be located in a directory that is fully accessible for reading/writing/deleting of files.
- In the same dialog, check the box "Install hardware-key driver".
- At the end of the installation process, check the "Launch HYDRUS" check box, which will start HYDRUS.
- If you have a fully functional HASP, insert it now into the USB port of the computer and restart HYDRUS.
- Make sure that the authorization program works properly.
Option B - HASP requiring a one-time activation
- When receiving the hardware key (dongle), please e-mail the customer support (support@pc-progress.cz) and confirm receipt of the shipment.
- PC-Progress will then send you by e-mail a special file *.v2c (e.g., AcivateHasp.v2c) containing specific information for your key.
- Install HYDRUS on your computer according to instructions listed above. During installation, it is necessary to check the box "Install hardware-key driver".
- At the end of the installation process, check the "Launch HYDRUS" check box, which will start HYDRUS.
- Insert the HASP key into the USB port of this computer.
- Open the dialog window "HYDRUS Authorization Status", select "Authorization Method = Hardware Key" and click the button "Apply V2C File".
- In the open window "Sentinel Admin Control Center" (1) select an item "Update/Attach", (2) choose the file *.v2c received from PC-Progress (e.g., AcivateHasp.v2c), and (3) click the button "Apply File".
- This should complete a one-time HASP activation.
- Make sure that the authorization of the program works properly.
Option C - Upgrading your HYDRUS license with HASP
- Open the dialog window "HYDRUS Authorization Status", select "Authorization Method = Hardware Key" and click the button "Remote Update: Create Customer To Vendor (C2V)File". Save this file and send it together with the license number to the customer support (support@pc-progress.cz).
- Please wait for receiving V2C file containing your new license configuration from the customer support (support@pc-progress.cz).
- Open the dialog window "HYDRUS Authorization Status", select "Authorization Method = Hardware Key" and click the button "Apply V2C File".
- In the open window "Sentinel Admin Control Center" (1) select the item "Update/Attach", (2) choose the file *.v2c received from PC-Progress (e.g., UpdateHasp.v2c), and (3) click the button "Apply File".
- This should complete a HASP upgrade.
- Make sure that the authorization of the program works properly.
Solving Problems Related to HASP
When using a network HASP, it is necessary to open relevant ports in Windows Firewall so that HYDRUS can communicate with the HASP key located on another computer on the LAN. This setting is done automatically during the installation of the HASP driver, which is included in the HYDRUS installation program (you need to check the button "Install hardware-key driver"). However, when a customer inserts HASP into his/her computer before installing HYDRUS, Windows can install the HASP driver automatically, without setting the Firewall parameters. The computer then cannot connect with the network key and authorization does not work. The solution is to reinstall the HASP driver from HYDRUS.