History of changes in HYDRUS 1.xx
On this page you can find the history of changes in versions 1.xx of HYDRUS (2D/3D). Version 1 was released in March 2006 and was replaced by version 2 in May 2011.
March 2006: New Features in version 1 of HYDRUS 2D/3D compared to Hydrus-2D & Meshgen
Graphical User Interface
- Completely new GUI based on Hi-End 3D graphics libraries .
- MDI architecture – multiple projects and multiple views can be opened at the same time in the HYDRUS main window.
- New organization of geometric objects. All objects are numbered and summarized in an organized system based on the principle of “parents and children”. Object indexing enables easy control of object definition.
- Navigator window with an object explorer and a tree of display options.
- Many new functions improving the user-friendliness, such as drag-and-drop, context sensitive pop-up menus after clicking on objects, and selection and editing of multiple objects in the same dialog window.
- Improved interactive tools for graphical input. Users can combine graphical input with numerical input of parameters on the Edit bar. It is also possible to change the view (zoom/scroll/rotate scene) without interrupting the current tool.
- Sections, objects similar to AutoCAD layers, can be used to simplify work with very complex models and FE-meshes.
- Cross-Sections and Mesh-Lines for charts can be saved with the project data.
- Display Options – all colors, line styles, fonts and other parameters of graphical objects can be customized.
- Extended print options.
- Extended information in the Project Manager (including project preview)
- Actual and cumulative fluxes across internal meshlines (lines connecting sequential FE-nodes).
- Many additional improvements.
- Water flow in a dual-porosity system allowing for preferential flow in fractures or macropores while storing water in the matrix (Simunek et al., 2003, 2008).
- Root water uptake with compensation.
- Spatial root distribution functions of Vrugt et al. (2001a, 2001b).
- Soil hydraulic property models of Kosugi (1995) and Durner (1994).
- Transport of viruses, colloids, and/or bacteria using an attachment/detachment model, filtration theory, and blocking functions (Schijven and Simunek, 2002; Bradford et al., 2002. 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006).
- Constructed wetland module (only in 2D) (Langergraber and Simunek, 2005).
- Hysteresis model of Lenhard et al. (1991) and Lenhard and Parker (1992) to eliminate pumping by keeping track of historical reversal points.
- New print management (printing at regular time intervals or after constant number of time steps).
- Dynamic, system-dependent boundary conditions (e.g., switching between pressure heads, seepage face, zero flux or atmospheric boundary depending on the position of the water level).
- Flowing particles in two-dimensional applications.
Beta.01 - March 5, 2006
The first version of new HYDRUS 2D/3D
Beta.02 - March 26, 2006
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Added function “Repair Geometry” (Menu -> Tools -> Repair Geometry) that can fix problems with overlapping nodes and nodes lying directly upon curves without being integrated at these curves.
- Fixed error in Data Consistency Check (Menu -> Tools -> Check Geometry). This function did not detect overlapping nodes and therefore FE-mesh generation could fail.
- Implemented function for automatic saving of data (Menu -> Options -> Program Options, Tab “Options and Directories”, edit field “Auto-save...”. This function enables to rescue HYDRUS input data after a break down.
- Project Manager: Term “Workspace” changed to “Project Group”
- Dialog for HYDRUS activation (Menu -> Help -> HYDRUS License and Activation). Added new button “Deactivate”
- Improved the tool for graphical input of nodes and lines. Now the input cross snaps also to curves and new points are automatically integrated into curves.
- Fixed an error in import of old Hydrus-2D projects with the “Inverse solution”
Beta.03 - April 20, 2006
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Fixed error in activation of the network installation
- Fixed error in import of old Hydrus-2D projects with no FE-mesh
- Improved check of overlapping points and function “Repair Geometry”
- Fixed invalid hyperlink to “Troubleshooting” WEB page (Menu -> Help -> Troubleshooting)
- Added new function “Create Surfaces” (Menu -> Tools -> Create Surfaces) that automatically generates surfaces and holes from existing boundary curves (only for 2D projects)
- Root Water Uptake - Root Distribution Parameters function was added into the Edit bar and Navigator tree
- Improved the tool for graphical input of Surfaces via boundaries. Now this tool displays a warning if selected boundaries contain overlapping points and it is not possible to finish definition of the surface.
- Fixed several other minor errors
Beta.04 - June 24, 2006
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- New option to refine spacing of isolines with the so called “Intermediate Isolines” option in the “Edit Isoband Values and Color Spectra” dialog (Menu -> Tools -> Color Scale -> Edit Scale)
- New option to speed up the Flow Animation. Dialog "Program Options" (Menu -> Options -> Program Options -> Graphics)
- Change in default settings for OpenGL hardware acceleration. HYDRUS graphics is based on the OpenGL, the most often used library for high-end CAD software packages. This library has an option to significantly accelerate drawing of graphical outputs using so called “hardware acceleration”. To successfully use this option, a computer needs to have a proper graphical card and supporting drivers. Since not all graphical card drivers (mainly older ones) correctly support (although majority do) all OpenGL functions, we decided to disable the “OpenGL acceleration” option in the installation version of HYDRUS (2D/3D). Since this makes graphical operations and displays significantly slower than when the OpenGL acceleration is enabled, we ask HYDRUS users to turn the “OpenGL acceleration” on in the “Program Options” dialog (Options->Program Options) and test whether or not HYDRUS remains stable. If it does, leave the acceleration on. If the software becomes unstable, turn it off again and work without the acceleration.
- Fixed error in boundary points - in 2D domains containing internal curves or more that one surface some points were marked incorrectly as boundary points
- Fixed error in print preview - flickering after flow animation
- Fixed error - incorrect colors of subregions (domain properties) if number of subregions was > 10
- Fixed error - a break down after calling of the "Line Intersection" function (under special circumstances)
- Improved stability of the OpenGL code. There are several changes in OpenGL code that could fix problems with OpenGL hardware acceleration. We would like to recommend to all users who switched the hardware acceleration off to try to switch it on again and test if previous problems were fixed or not. If some problems still persist, please inform us about that. Now the recommended setting is: OpenGL hardware acceleration = ON and Performance Optimization = Max. Speed.
- Increased drawing speed in 3D projects. Drawing has been optimized and it is now in some situations up to 10-times faster than before. The improvement is visible especially in 3D projects while working with FE-Mesh elements (for example, definition of domain subregions, etc).
- New function “Remove FE-mesh Elements”. This function enables users to cut-off arbitrary subsets of FE-Mesh elements from the existing FE-mesh. It means that you can modify the FE-mesh, create various wholes, etc. (see video tutorial 2.08)
- Improved snapping in all graphical tools. In the previous version there were often problems with closing of domain boundaries. Graphical tools for input of curves sometimes did not snap correctly to an existing point and created a new point which overlapped the existing point. This led to duplication of points and incorrect definition of the domain boundaries. This error was fixed and now snapping should work correctly
- Fixed error in graphical input of the pressure head initial condition. The “Internal sink/source” option was not enabled when multiple points were selected and an existing internal sink/source could not be deleted..
- Improved multiple selection. The selection of graphical objects is based on standards used in MS Office. An object is selected by clicking the left mouse button; a multiple selection is made by simultaneously holding the Shift button (toggles the selection) or Ctrl button (always selects objects). A selection can also be made using a rectangle (by clicking with the left mouse button outside of objects and holding the left mouse button while moving the mouse) or rhomboid.
Beta.05 - June 28, 2006
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Fixed error in units: We discovered an error in unit conversions in previous HYDRUS versions (BETA.01-04). As a result, the boundary elements widths in three-dimensional and axisymetrical two-dimensional applications, which are being multiplied by specified boundary fluxes, were calculated incorrectly. This affected only three-dimensional and axisymetrical two-dimensional applications with specified boundary fluxes where units other than cm were used. We recommend recalculating these types of applications, if you have any. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
- Fixed error in graphical display of results in observation nodes. This problem occurred if there was more that 12 obs. nodes .
Beta.06 - October 9, 2006
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Fixed Error: In 3D projects the number of anisotropy tensors was not saved correctly.
- Extended capability: FE-mesh for simple domains (3D hexahedral or 2D rectangular) was limited to 256 elements in horizontal direction because of the max. number of columns in the table. The dialog was changed and now grid spacing (in all directions) is defined in table rows. This change allows users to specify up to 10000 elements in each direction.
- Fixed Error: Under special circumstances constant flux boundary conditions could be saved incorrectly. Such projects will be fixed automatically after opening in the new version BETA.06 and a warning message will be displayed (users will be asked to recalculate results).
- New Option for 3D FE-Mesh: 3D finite elements can be either Tetrahedrals or Triangular Prisms. The use of triangular prisms can decrease the number of finite elements and speed up the calculations.
- New Option for 3D Solids: A Solid can be split into geometrical Sub-Layers or Columns. This can simplify significantly graphical input of domain properties, initial and boundary conditions. HYDRUS generates default Mesh Sections for these Sub-Layers, Columns and their intersections and this simplifies their selection and definition of properties in Sub-Layers and Columns. FE-Mesh Sections are sorted and their names contain information about section coordinates. Options for generation of Mesh Sections can be set in a special dialog “Generate Sections...” or in the “Mesh Parameters” property sheet.
- New Dialog with options for generation of Mesh Sections
- Tooltips for pre-selected objects in the view
- Fixed Error: Authorization check could fail on some notebooks used with a docking station
- Fixed Error: Several minor errors in “pick” tools
- Fixed Error in optimization of graphical performance: On some old graphic cards the “Fast” mode was slower than the "Stable" mode.
- Extended capability: FE-Mesh sections currently visible in the view are marked by blue color in the Navigator - Section pane.
- Extended capability: New option “Specify All Components Simultaneously” in the dialog for definition of Local Anisotropy Angle (only for 2D projects)
- Extended capability - New Tools for Selection: Tools “Select by Circle” and "Select by Polygon". New selection modes “Add to Selection” and "Remove from Selection"
- Extended capability: Command “Properties in the Table” now allows definition of domain properties in the table also for 3D-Layered domains
- Extended capability - Calculation: Calculation of multiple projects at the same time has been enabled. The Graphical User Interface is not locked during the calculation. Projects for calculation can be selected and run from the Project Manager.
- Improvement: In 3D projects when defining a cross-section to display a chart the program automatically adjusts the work plane and this simplifies the graphical input. This option can be switched On/Off in menu Edit -> Cross-Sections -> Auto-Adjust Work Plane.
- Extended capability - Cross-Section Chart Window: New option “Export All” has been added.
- Extended capability - View Stretching Factors can be set automatically according to the “Initial Workspace” defined in the “Geometry Information” dialog. The Grid can have different settings for each Work Plane which is important when non-uniform stretching factors are used. Optimal stretching factors can be calculated automatically and also Grid settings can be automatically adjusted to current stretching factors.
- Extended capability - Domain design: During Domain Geometry design the program automatically controls the consistency of the Geometry and warns when problems occur (e.g., duplicated points, intersecting curves). It also offers automatic solution to obvious problems.
Beta.07 - October 19, 2006
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Fixed Error in the Installation Program: If the installation program H3D_Full_XX.exe (ZIP archive) was extracted into a directory and then HYDRUS was installed into the same directory then installation failed because of missing files PCP_INFOR.SYS and Ver_H3D.txt.
- Fixed Error in function for import of points from a text file (Menu Insert -> Domain Geometry -> Points -> Read from File)
- Extended capability: New function for import/export of the domain geometry from/to a text file (Menu File -> Import and Export).
- Fixed Errors Several minor errors in the FE-Mesh generator and data consistency check for the domain geometry.
- Extended capability - recording of Flow Animation: New function that allows recording of HYDRUS flow animation and saving it as AVI file (Menu Tools -> Create Video File).
- Fixed Error in linear interpolation of Pressure Head in the “Properties in Table” dialog for 3D-Layered domains.
Beta.08 - January 29, 2007
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Extended capability: Now the dialog “Default Domain Properties” can be used to display/edit values even if values on one FE-mesh layer are not unique. Edit fields with non-unique values are empty and original values are not changed unless the user inserts a new value. It is also possible to export/import selected values to/from MS Excel (or other editor).
- Extended capability: It is possible to display the Domain outline. This option can be useful when working with single FE-mesh sections. The outline can be displayed at the Navigator - View - Auxiliary Objects - Domain Outline
- Extended capability: New keyword "THICKNESS_ARR3Z" for import of geometry from a text file. This keyword reads array of thickness vectors given by 5 coordinates: x,y,z1,z2,z3. This command is very useful for import of domains with irregular (non-planar) top and bottom surfaces.
- Extended capability: Numbers in the color scale for graphical display of results can be displayed in E-format (for example 2.12345e-05). If a user-defined scale is used then title “Custom Scale” is displayed above the color scale.
Version 1.01 - March 6, 2007
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Extended capability: New button “Default (log)” was added to dialog “Output Information:” and it allows generation of print times in logarithmic scale.
- Extended capability: New time unit “Years” was added.
- Fixed Error: When the OpenGL hardware acceleration was OFF then HYDRUS graphics (window content) could stiffen if the window was minimized and then restored.
- Completed documentation (User Manual and Help)
Version 1.02 - March 18, 2007
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Extended capability: New option for import of domain geometry from a text file. Now there is a new key word "THICKNESS_ARR3Z_NLAYERS" that allows import of thickness vectors with multiple sub-layers (with variable thickness). It solves the problem mentioned at http://www.pc-progress.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=756.
- Extended capability: Colors for graphical display of Materials, Sub-regions and Anisotropy can now be customized in Options -> Display Options -> Edit -> Domain properties.
- Fixed Error: Version 1.01 had by mistake a code in the two-dimensional solvers that calculated active root solute uptake (which is something we are working on, but is not yet fully implemented). Due to this error, solute transport calculations that considered simultaneously solute transport and root uptake were not correct due to this active uptake. We apologize for this.
- Windows Vista: HYDRUS installation program has been optimized for Windows Vista. At the end of installation the user is asked to launch HYDRUS that should solve some minor problems described at FAQ34.
- Completed documentation (User Manual and Help)
Version 1.03 - June 2, 2007
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Extended capability: The dialog for graphical display of results at observation nodes has been extended by a new option that allows selection of individual nodes, i.e. viewing only data from selected nodes.
- Extended capability: New option for a user-defined model precision in the Geometry Information dialog. This option enables definition of geometrical details that are smaller than the standard model resolution. This option can solve problems described at http://www.pc-progress.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=778.
- Fixed error: HYDRUS could break down after selection of some hydraulic models in the dialog „Soil Hydraulic Model“.
- Extended capability: New option that enables graphical display of the total pressure head. The option is available at Navigator -> tab View -> Results -> Pressure Head -> Total pressure head.
Version 1.04 - October 31, 2007
List of Changes and Fixed Errors:
- Fixed error: FE-mesh stretching was working correctly only in X-direction.
- Extended capability: The max. number of mesh-lines used for calculation of fluxes was increased from 4 to 10.
- Extended capability: "Export All" button was added to the dialog for graphical display of fluxes across mesh-lines.
- Fixed error: HYDRUS did not report error in incorrectly defined parameters for a rectangular structured mesh. Coordinates in input tables must be sorted so that their values were monotonically increasing/decreasing. This check was missing in previous versions which could result in an incorrect FE-mesh.
- Fixed error: The command "Export All" in the dialog for graphical display of results along a cross-section or mesh-line could cause a break down.
- Fixed error: The user-defined size for the "Undo" buffer was ignored and therefore usually only one "Undo/Redo" step was available for changes in boundary conditions and domain properties. Now the buffer size can be up to 32MB which usually gives more Undo/Redo steps.
- Fixed error: While defining initial condition in the Water Content the quantity name on the Edit Bar was displayed incorrectly as "Pressure Head". In this case also default values were set incorrectly (h = -100 instead of theta = 0.25).
- Fixed error: Several other minor errors have been fixed (incorrect texts, etc. )
- Windows Vista: HYDRUS has been modified to be compatible with Windows Vista UAC (User Account Control). You can find more details in HYDRUS Help: Using HYDRUS - Options - Program Settings - HYDRUS Installation Directories.
- Windows Vista: HYDRUS online help has been changed from WinHELP 2000 format to HTMLHelp to be compatible with Windows Vista
Version 1.05 - March 09, 2008
New Features and Changes:
- HYDRUS authorization component (HYDRUS protection) was updated. This will allow running full version of HYDRUS on x64-bit Windows systems and it should also fix some problems with unstable Computer-ID codes.
- HYDRUS executable files are digitally signed now with PC-Progress Authenticode digital signature. This improves compatibility with Windows Vista and it also ensures authenticity and integrity of HYDRUS program files. You can find more information about Code Signing at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537361(VS.85).aspx.
- Improved compatibility of HYDRUS hardware-accelerated graphics with new OpenGL drivers for Windows Vista. However, there still are several known issues that occur on some graphic cards. We are convinced that these problems are caused by insufficient compatibility of new drivers with OpenGL standards and we hope that manufacturers of graphic accelerators will fix these errors soon. If you experience any problem with HYDRUS graphics, please, switch the OpenGL hardware acceleration OFF, which should solve the problem.
- New Option: Random generation of scaling factors for three-dimensional geometries.
- Several other minor improvements in activation of HYDRUS, etc.
Fixed Errors:
- Custom color scales were not saved correctly and therefore were missing after restarting of HYDRUS. For the same reason it was not possible to use custom color scales for printing or for copying pictures to the clipboard. Remark: If you define a custom color palette for graphical display of results (spectral maps, etc.), remember that this custom palette is a part of your current GDI configuration for screen and if you use a different configuration for printing then these custom colors will not be used for printing. To set custom colors for printing take the following steps:
- Open the "Display Options" dialog (menu Options -> Display Options -> Edit...)
- In the "Current configuration for screen" list-box select the configuration that you want to use for printing
- Close the dialog. The graphical display of results (spectral maps, etc) in the view will be using colors for printer
- Double click on the color scale (the edit bar) and customize the color palette.
- Save your changes and select your original GDI configuration for screen
- After changing of some colors in the “Display Options” dialog the HYDRUS could break down in some cases
- There was an error in the "drain" boundary condition (for the simplified rectangular geometries) that resulted in not properly saving the information about this BC into the input file for the computational module, which then did not consider it.
- An error occurring when random scaling factors were generated was fixed.
Version 1.06 - May 25, 2008
New Features and Changes:
- Display of the Time Information in the View during animation, which can be useful while creating video files. The switch is available in the Navigator Tree - View - Results - Flow Animation - Time Information
- Improved stability of Request Codes during activation
- Improved online Help
Fixed Errors:
- Fixed error in export of velocity vectors to a text file in 3D projects
- Fixed error - production of the second solute due to degradation of the first nonlinearly sorbed first solute
Version 1.07 - September 27, 2008
New Features and Changes:
- Improved accuracy and performance of the mesh generator for very long domains
- Improved graphical display of background images (bitmaps) and objects drawn over these images
- Improved online Help - instructions for HYDRUS installation and activation
- Several other minor improvements
Fixed Errors:
- Fixed error: Conversion of heat transport properties when temporal units were seconds was wrong
- Fixed error: Mesh refinements on polylines were incorrect if the FE-mesh was stretched
Version 1.08 - January 4, 2009
Fixed Errors:
- Fixed error: The Wetland module had a wrong format statement when writing the CumQ.out file
- Fixed error: FE-mesh generation could fail if stretching factors were >1 and the domain boundary contained polylines and (at the same time) splines or arcs.
Version 1.09 - March 22, 2009
New Features and Changes:
- New more efficient algorighm for particle tracking. Time-step control to guarantee smooth particle paths.
- Import of initial conditions from existing HYDRUS projects even with (slightly) different geometry or FE mesh (only in 2D projects).
- Improved graphical display of Anizotropy and several other quantities in 3D projects
Version 1.10 - April 26, 2009
New Features and Changes:
- Option to display velocity components instead of total value.
The switch can be found in the Navigator Vindow -> Tab View -> Results -> Velocity. - Import of domain properties, initial and boundary conditions from another project with (slightly) different geometry or FE mesh (both 2D and 3D). This function can be found in the Main menu (File -> Import and Export -> Import input data from another HYDRUS project) and can be used to transfer your input data (domain properties, boundary and initial conditions) to a new FE-mesh if you need to modify the domain geometry or FE-mesh. Then you can take the following steps:
- Save your project P1 as P2
- Open project P2, modify the domain and generate a new FE-mesh
- Import input data from project P1
Patch 29.04.2009 - fixed an error in 2D inverse solution, see http://www.pc-progress.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1251
Version 1.11 - February 21, 2010
Fixed Errors:
- Fixed a bug reported in http://www.pc-progress.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1261
- Incorrect unit for Nodal Recharge for Axisymetrical domains
- Fixed a bug in graphical display of results in selected observation nodes for inverse solutions
- Nonequilibrium concentrations were incorrectly allocated when equilibrium solute transport problem was converted into nonequilibrium solute transport problem in the Inverse mode.
- Vector of solute transport parameters in the Inverse mode was not correctly allocated when the number of parameters was changed in the Direct mode and then the project was converted into the Inverse mode.
- Improved precision of the FE-Mesh generator
- Fixed several other minor errors
New Features and Changes:
- Constructed Wetland Parameters commands added to the main menu and navigation tree
- Added option to display dimensions with units
- Added support for the 3GB option, which enables HYDRUS to work with larger projects
- Added option to generate FE-mesh sections for existing geometrical sections, which can used for definition of various properties (materials, etc.) on geometrical objects (internal lines, etc.) - see the video tutorial 2.14 at http://www.pc-progress.com/en/Default.aspx?h3d-tutorials
Version 1.12 - September 10, 2011
Fixed Errors:
- Fixed an error in conversion of some first- and zero-order rate constants with respect to length units
- Fixed a minor error in graphical selection of FE-mesh elements
- Fixed an error in reading some old *.h3d projects which coud lead to HYDRUS crash during opening these projects