HYDRUS Projects - Drip
- Project Group: Drip
- Description: Examples involving subsurface drip irrigation; described in Hanson et al. (2006, 2008), Skaggs et al (2004), and Siyal et al. (2009).
- Availability: Download HYDRUS projects now (11.1 MB)
- Note: These projects were created with an earlier version of Hydrus, and users using higher Hydrus versions need to convert them to their particular version.
Subsurface drip irrigation for the B fertigation strategy (fertigation near beginning of irrigation). Solutes considered: urea-ammonium-nitrate, potassium, phosphorus (Hanson et al., 2006).
Subsurface drip irrigation for the E fertigation strategy (fertigation near the end of irrigation). Solutes considered: urea-ammonium-nitrate, potassium, phosphorus (Hanson et al., 2006).
Subsurface drip irrigation for the M50 fertigation strategy (fertigation during the middle 50% of the irrigation event). Solutes considered: urea-ammonium-nitrate, potassium, phosphorus (Hanson et al., 2006).
Subsurface drip irrigation, water table depth of 0.5 m, 0.3 dS/m, irrigation efficiency=0.9, 7 per week (Hanson et al., 2008).
Subsurface drip irrigation, water table depth of 0.5 m, 1.0 dS/m, irrigation efficiency =0.9, 7 per week (Hanson et al., 2008).
Subsurface drip irrigation, water table depth of 1.0 m, 0.3 dS/m, irrigation efficiency =0.9, 2 per week (Hanson et al., 2008).
Subsurface drip irrigation, water table depth of 1.0 m, 1.0 dS/m, irrigation efficiency =0.9, 2 per week (Hanson et al., 2008).
Trout/Parlier surface drip irrigation, 40 L/m application, Fig. 3 (Skaggs et al., 2004). Download HYDRUS project now (0.5 MB)
Evaluation of the performance of a pitcher irrigation system (Siyal et al., 2009). Download HYDRUS project now (2.3 MB)
Hanson, B. R., J. Šimůnek, and J. W. Hopmans, Numerical modeling of urea-ammonium-nitrate fertigation under microirrigation, Agric. Water Management, 86, 102-113, 2006.
Hanson, B. R., J. Šimůnek, and J. W. Hopmans, Leaching with subsurface drip irrigation under saline, shallow ground water conditions, Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/VZJ2007.0053, Special Issue “Vadose Zone Modeling”, 7(2), 810-818, 2008.
Skaggs, T. H., T. J. Trout, J. Šimůnek, and P. J. Shouse, Comparison of Hydrus-2D simulations of drip irrigation with experimental observations, J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 130(4), 304-310, 2004.
Siyal, A. A., M. Th. van Genuchten, and T. H. Skaggs, Performance of pitcher irrigation systems, Soil Science, 174(6), 312-320, 2009.
FAQ: How to calculate the flux for a semicircle boundary representing the dripper?
- Example for a Three-Dimensional (2D axisymmetrical) Scenario with a single dripper:
Radius of a dripper: r=2 cm
Surface area of a dripper: S=4 PI r2=4*3.1415*2 cm2=50.264 cm2
Dripper discharge: Q = 1.0 L/h = 24,000 cm3/d
Boundary flux applied at the dripper: q = Q/S = 24,000 [cm3/d] / 50.264 [cm2] = 477.48 cm/d
- Example for a Two-Dimensional Scenario (representing a drip tape; calculations based on drip tape discharge):
Radius of a dripper: r=1 cm
Circumference of a dripper: L=2 PI r=2*3.1415*1 cm=6.283 cm
Drip tape discharge: Q=1 L/m/h=24,000 cm3/m/d=240 cm3/cm/d [cm2/d]
Boundary flux applied at the dripper: q= Q/L =240 [cm2/d] / 6.283 [cm] = 38.2 cm/d
- Example for a Two-Dimensional Scenario (representing a drip tape; calculations based on dripper discharge):
Radius of a dripper: r = 1 cm
Circumference of a dripper: L = 2 PI r=2*3.1415*1 cm = 6.283 cm
Distance between drippers on a drip line: d = 30 cm
Dripper discharge: Q = 1 L/h = 24,000 cm3/d
Drip tape discharge: Qt = Q/d = 1 L/h / 30 cm = 800 cm3/cm/d [cm2/d]
Boundary flux applied at the dripper: q = Q/L = 800 [cm2/d] / 6.283 [cm] = 127.3 cm/d
- Example from the Tutorial 1 (two-dimensional, representing a drip tape):
Radius of a dripper: r=1 cm
Circumference of a dripper: L=2 PI r=2*3.1415*1 cm=6.283 cm
Boundary flux applied at the dripper: q= 60 cm/d
Drip tape discharge: Q=Lq= 6.283 cm*60.0 cm/d= 377 cm2/d [cm3/cm/d]=1.57 L/m/h