FAQ 41-50
41. Problem with Hydrus-1D installation
After the Hydrus-1D installation, the folder into which the model was supposed to be installed is empty. This is likely due to the incorrect prior Hydrus-1D installation.
Remedy – Remove the old installation:
- Go to “Start->Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs” and remove the old Hydrus-1D installation.
- If the first way does not work, do the following:
- Run REGEDIT program as follows: Start->Run->RegEdit
- Delete the item Hydrus-1D from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
- Search in RegEdit for the string 50723e08-57bf-11d2-b51b-00609750c485 and delete all items with this name.
- Start Windows Explorer and show all Hidden files (Tools->Folder Options - Tab View – Hidden Files and Folders – Show Hidden Files and Folders).
- In the folder “C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information” delete item {50723E08-57BF-11D2-B51B-00609750C485}
42. What is the maximum number of records for time-variable boundary conditions?
While there is practically no limit on the number of records in Version 5 of HYDRUS, the earlier GUIs of both HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) had a limit on the number of records they could handle (about 10,000 in HYDRUS-1D and less in HYDRUS (2D/3D) depending on the number of columns). On the other hand, the computational modules can handle any number (unlimited) of records. Once the GUI limit is reached, users will get the following warning:
"The size of the atmospheric data file is too big to be handled by the interface. Please edit it directly in the data file ATMOSPH.IN in the subdirectory c:\......!"
Users then have to manually edit directly the Atmosph.in file, which is located in the working directory of the HYDRUS project. In both cases, it is important to keep the same formatting as in the Atmosph.in generated by GUI.
- Close the project for which you want to edit the Atmosph.in file.
- Open the Atmosph.in file using any text editor (e.g., Notepad)
- Update MaxAl - the number of records.
- Manually extend the records with time-variable BCs.
- Open the project using HYDRUS-1D GUI and continue as usual
- Open the project (using GUI) for which you want to edit the Atmosph.in file.
- Export data from the *.h3d2 project into the Working Directory using the menu command File->Export->Export data for Hydrus solver in text format.
- Open the Project Manager and find the path to the "Working Directory".
- Open the Atmosph.in file in the "Working Directory" using any text editor (e.g., Notepad)
- Update MaxAl - the number of records.
- Manually extend the records with time-variable BCs.
- import this change back into the HYDRUS project by using the menu command File->Import->Import input data from *.in files.
- Continue as usual.
43. What to do when x-y graphs do not show up?
Have you installed the program (HYDRUS-1D, STANMOD, or RETC) using the installation (SetUp) program? That needs to be done since, during installation, the graph dll (vcfi32.ocx) and the grid dll (vcF15.ocx) are registered with the Windows registration database. These programs (vcfi32.ocx and vcF15.ocx) are stored in the Windows (or System) folder. The installation also copies the Chart.vtc file into the Hydrus folder (with executables). One can not view the graphics and tables in the GUI if this is not done. You can manually register this graph (and grid) by dragging the dll (vcfi32.ocx and vcF15.ocx) and dropping it on regsvr32.exe. You should get a message that the registration was successful.
44. Installation and Use of HYDRUS 2D/3D on Windows Vista
HYDRUS 2D/3D, version 1.05 or later, is fully compatible with the Windows Vista operating system. However, when testing previous versions of HYDRUS (1.04 or earlier) on this operating system, we encountered several minor problems described below, together with their solutions:
1. Problem with Authorization.
Description: When starting HYDRUS under Windows Vista, an error message appears
“Unable to access authorization information!”
“Error No. 103-9”
At the same time one can not open a dialog for HYDRUS authorization.
Cause: HYDRUS does not have sufficient rights to access system tools for verification of authorization.
Solution: It is necessary to run HYDRUS at least once with administrative rights. Go to the folder where HYDRUS is installed (usually "C:\Program Files\PC-Progress\HYDRUS"), click with the right mouse button on Hydrus3D.exe, and in the displayed popup menu, select "Run As Administrator". This single HYDRUS run with administrative rights will establish all necessary access rights. This should solve the problem, i.e., the next HYDRUS run can be without administrative rights.
2. Problem with Access Rights to Project Data Files.
Description: When saving a project, a warning appears informing that data can not be saved (no access to save).
Cause: A user does not have the right to store data in the folder with HYDRUS projects.
Solution: There exist two solutions:
- Change attributes of the folder with HYDRUS projects. Click with the right mouse button on the folder, in which HYDRUS projects are stored, and select “Properties -> Security”. In the “Users” group, set “Full Control”.
- Move HYDRUS projects to another folder to which you have full access. Set up access to this new folder using the Project Manager (Menu File -> Project Manager).
3. Graphics is Slow
Description: Drawing of the Scene (in the View Window) is very slow.
Cause: Drivers for the OpenGL hardware acceleration (for the video card) are not installed. Drivers of the graphical card, installed when the Windows Vista operating system was installed, were developed by Microsoft (not by the producer of the graphical card) and do not support the hardware acceleration. HYDRUS will display a warning that OpenGL hardware acceleration is not available and that graphics will likely be slow. Unavailability of hardware acceleration can be confirmed in the following way: Select the dialog window “Program Options” (HYDRUS Menu -> Options -> Program Options) and on the Tab “Graphics” the OpenGL Hardware Acceleration is set at “OFF”, while the radio buttons are disabled.
Solution: It is necessary to install the original graphical drivers for Windows Vista. These can be obtained (downloaded) from the producer of the graphical card.
4. Graphics Contains Various Errors
Description: The Scene (in the View Window) is not displayed correctly. Errors may be different.
Cause: These problems usually occur after installation of drivers for the OpenGL hardware acceleration (see 3). This is usually due to errors in newly developed drivers (software is provided by producers of graphical cards), that are not yet unfortunately bugs free.
Solution: Turn off the hardware acceleration. Run the dialog window “Program Option” (HYDRUS Menu -> Options -> Program Options) and on the tab “Graphics” set the OpenGL Hardware Acceleration “OFF”. Then restart HYDRUS. This should solve the problems, but the graphics will be unfortunately slow. We recommend updating drivers of the graphical card as soon as newer versions become available.
45. I cannot run HYDRUS-1D executable modules even for preinstalled projects
This problem is related only to HYDRUS-1D. Some older Intel processors do not support all optimization options that we started using after implementing the Intel Fortran Compiler in January 2001, which made computational modules substantially faster. If this is the case, then you need to download and use version 4.07 of HYDRUS-1D, which was compiled with the older (and slower) Compaq Fortran Compiler.
46. I cannot modify intervals in the spectrum when displaying small values (e.g., for concentrations).
There was indeed a problem in HYDRUS (in earlier versions) when trying to display a variable, that has only very small values (e.g., all values smaller than 1e-4), which may occur for concentrations. There will be only one very narrow interval for spectrum (in the dialog Edit Isoband Values and Color Spectra), and it will be impossible to redefine this interval or split it into multiple intervals. There is a simple way of getting around this problem.
- Select another variable that is displayed correctly.
- Open the Edit Isoband Values and Color Spectra by clicking on the color spectra at the Tools bar.
- Define required Isoband values.
- Click on the button "Save" and save the definition of the new isoband values under a new name, e.g., Scale for Small Values.
- Display a variable with small values, open the Edit Isoband Values dialog, and select "Scale for Small Values".
- All should be displayed well.
47. How to Convert Solute Fluxes Reported by HYDRUS into Area-Based Solute Fluxes?
The following file provide instructions on how to convert solute fluxes reported by HYDRUS for 2D applications into area solute fluxes: FAQ 47.
48. When should UNSATCHEM or HYDRUS be used to simulate salinity?
Recommendations: I would first start using a simpler model, such as the standard HYDRUS computational module, and simulate overall EC (which can be treated as a tracer) before using a much more complex model, such as UNSATCHEM, which simulates the transport and reactions of major ions. UNSATCHEM is a very complex program, and if one does not have much experience with modeling (or all required input information), it may be initially rather difficult to use it. Both models give quite similar results for many conditions (e.g., when there is no dissolution/precipitation of mineral phases such as calcite or gypsum).