HYDRUS Applications
HYDRUS Applications
- Irrigation management
- Drip irrigation design
- Sprinkler irrigation design
- Tile drainage design - flow to a drainage system
- Crop grow models, i.e., cotton model
- Salinization and reclamation processes, salt leaching
- Movement of pesticides; nonpoint source pollution
- Seasonal simulation of water flow and plant response
- Deep percolation beneath final closure cap designs for radioactive waste management sites at the Nevada test site
- Flow around nuclear subsidence craters at the Nevada test site
- Capillary barrier at the Texas low-level radioactive waste disposal site
- Evaluation of approximate analytical analysis of capillary barriers
- Landfill covers with and without vegetation
- Risk analysis of contaminant plume from landfills
- Seepage of wastewater from land treatment systems
- Tunnel design - flow around buried objects
- Highway design - road construction - seepage
- Stochastic theory - solute transport in heterogeneous media
- Lake basin recharge analysis
- Interaction between groundwater aquifers and streams
- Environmental impact of the drawdown of shallow water tables
- Analysis of cone permeameter and tension infiltrometer experiments
One-Dimensional Examples distributed with the model (version 5 of HYDRUS)
- Test1: Skagg's column infiltration test
- Test2: Water flow and solute Transport in a field soil profile under grass - seasonal simulation
- Test3: One-dimensional solute transport with nitrification chain - comparison with analytical solution
- Test4: One-dimensional solute transport with nonlinear cation adsorption - Data from Selim et al. (1987)
- Test5: One-dimensional solute transport with non-equilibrium cation adsorption
- Test9: Dual porosity model, Theta exchange, Figure 4
- Test10: One-dimensional water flow with multiple hysteretic loops, data from Lenhard et al. (1991)
- IAEA1: Modeling salinity using the standard module of HYDRUS-1D
- Evapor: Evaporation experiment - Data from Ole Wendroth
- Onestep: Onestep outflow experiment
- MultStep: Multistep outflow experiment - Data from Jan Hopmans
- Test5Inv: One-dimensional solute transport with non-equilibrium cation adsorption, Inverse Problem
Examples for Add-On Modules:
- C-Ride1: Steady-state flow. Colloids and solute enter independently
- C-Ride2: Steady-state flow. Solute enters attached to colloids
- Cosmic: Analysis of the Cosmic Ray Neutron Probe Data - Synthetic Example
- CosmicInv: Analysis of the Cosmic Ray Neutron Probe Data - Synthetic Example, Inverse problem
- DPU_Test: Dynamic Plant Uptake model example
- PFAS1: NonLinear Sorption to AWI, eta=0.9, beta=1.0
- PFAS2: NonLinear Sorption to AWI: eta=0.0, beta=0.8, Sorption to solid phase: eta=0.2, beta=0.8
- Surfact1: Surfactant's affect on retention, Smith's Function
- Surfact2: Surfactant's affect on retention and conductivity, Smith's Functions
- Test1-Part: Skagg's column infiltration test with particle tracking
- Test2-Part: Water flow in a field soil profile under grass with Particle Tracking
- UnsatChem: Soil Column with kinetic calcite precipitation
- Fumig: Volatile solute, heat transport, surface tarp removal, solute initial and application, metabolites
- IAEA2: Modeling salinity using the standard module of UnsatChem
- Isotope-Part: Stable water isotopes without fractionation, Stump et al. (2013), Particle tracking
- SoilCO2: Carbon dioxide transport - Missouri, 1981
Two-Dimensional Examples distributed with the model
- Test1: Column infiltration test
- Test2: Water flow and solute Transport in a field soil profile under grass - seasonal simulation
- Test3: Two-dimension unidirectional solute transport - comparison with analytical solution
- Test4: One-dimensional solute transport with nitrification chain - comparison with analytical solution
- Test5: One-dimensional solute transport with nonlinear cation adsorption - Data from Selim et al. (1987)
- Test6: One-dimensional solute transport with non-equilibrium cation adsorption
- Test6a: Solute transport with kinetic first-order attachment/detachment
- Test6b: Solute transport with mobile-immobile nonequilibrium
- Test7: Axisymetrical three-dimensional water and solute infiltration test
- Hyster: One-dimensional water flow with multiple hysteretic loops, data from Lenhard et al. (1991)
- Furrow: Water flow and solute transport from furrow to a drain
- Three wetland examples
- Cone: Parameter estimation from a cone penetrometer experiment (Gribb et al., 1998)
- Crust: Parameter estimation from a tension disc infiltrometer experiment (Simunek et al., 1998a)
- Disc: Parameter estimation from a tension disc infiltrometer experiment (Simunek et al., 1998b)
- Test5i: One-dimensional solute transport with nonlinear cation adsorption - Data from Selim et al. (1987), Inverse problem
Examples for Add-On Modules:
- 2D-CEC-1: HP2 Test: Transport and Cation Exchange, a single pulse
- 2D-CEC-2: HP2 Test: Transport and Cation Exchange, multiple pulses
- 2D-HP1-1: HP2 Test: Dissolution of calcite and gypsum in the soil profile
- CFTr-Test03a: C-Ride example: Colloids facilitated solute transport: Steady-state flow. Colloids and solute enter the column independently.
- CFTr-Test03b: C-Ride example: Colloids facilitated solute transport: Steady-state flow. Solute enters the column attached to colloids.
- DPU_Test: Dynamic Plant Uptake model example
- DualTest3: DualPerm Test: Ring infiltration into the isotropic dual-permeability system.
- Unsatchem: Furrow Irrigation - water and solute, silt, 5 d
- Wetland1: PSCW - VF CW - reactive transport - 4 loadings
- Wetland2: SSP - two-stage VF CW - 2 loadings - reactive transport
- Wetland3: Lab-scale VF CW with controlled effluent rate of 1 l/h
- Wetland4: CWM1 - PSCW - VF CW - reactive transport - 4 loadings
- Wetland5: HF CW according to Headley et al. (2005)
Three-Dimensional Examples distributed with the model
- Test1: Column infiltration test
- Test2: Water flow and solute Transport in a field soil profile under grass - seasonal simulation
- Test3: Three-dimension unidirectional solute transport - comparison with analytical solution
- Test4: One-dimensional solute transport with nitrification chain - comparison with analytical solution
- Test5: One-dimensional solute transport with nonlinear cation adsorption - Data from Selim et al. (1987)
- Test6: One-dimensional solute transport with non-equilibrium cation adsorption
- Test6a: One-dimensional solute transport with first-order attachment
- Hyster: One-dimensional water flow with multiple hysteretic loops, data from Lenhard et al. (1991)
- Test8: Three-dimensional contaminant transport from a waste disposal site
- Dike: Three-dimensional flow and transport through a dike with a seepage face and root water uptake
Examples for Add-On Modules:
- Unsatchem3D: Furrow Irrigation - water and solute, silt, 5 d
- 3DFumig8: Finite res., Heat Tr., Tarp, Tarp removal, part untarped, solute application, metabolites
Public Library of HYDRUS projects
Below, you can find a large number of HYDRUS projects that have been developed over the entire history of HYDRUS. Thus some examples, were developed for Version 1, others for Version 2, and still others for Version 3. In general, it should be possible to convert all these examples (developed with earlier version of HYDRUS) into the latest format and rerun them using the latest version of HYDRUS.
Public Library of HYDRUS projects (for version 1)
Click on a Project Group name to get list of projects in the group and other details:
Examples involving subsurface drip irrigation (using 2D and axisymmetrical 2D domains).
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Drip irrigation simulated using the three-dimensional transport domain.
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Three-dimensional drip irrigation examples from Raij et al., 2018.
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Two examples demonstrating the use of the (simplified) drain boundary condition and the effects of the immobile water content on accelerated solute movement. Download brief description now
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Examples demonstrating the use of Dynamic Time-Variable Boundary Conditions. Download brief description now
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Example demonstrating the use of HYDRUS to evaluate water movement in a complex multilayer system under a lined reservoir. Download brief description now
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Roots Uptake
Examples demonstrating the use of the new root water and solute uptake term (which includes both compensated and uncompensated root water and solute uptake, and both passive and active root solute uptake (Šimůnek and Hopmans, 2009)
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Example demonstrating the use of HYDRUS to simulate the transport of a volatile organic compounds across the capillary fringe. Example is based on McCarthy and Johnson (1993).
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Examples of water flow and solute transport simulations in a randomly generated stochastic field of scaling factors representing soil heterogeneity.
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Examples of water flow simulations in a flood plain. Examples demonstrate the use of dynamic time-dependent boundary conditions.
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Examples of water flow simulations in simple and complex (Mallants et al., 1999) capillary barriers.
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Numerical analysis of water and solute transport in a cultivated silt loam soil (heterogeneity generated by farming practices) (Coquet et al., 2005).
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Public Library of HYDRUS projects (for version 2)
Click on a Project Group name to get list of projects in the group and other details:
Special BCs
Examples demonstrating new system-dependent boundary conditions in HYDRUS, such as a specified gradient BC, a subsurface drip with the characteristic function, and a surface drip with dynamic evaluation of a wetting area.
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Examples demonstrating a new option to simulate irrigation triggered by a decrease of the pressure head at a selected observation node. Irrigation can be triggered at the time-variable pressure head or flux I boundaries, or at the atmospheric boundary.
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Look-up tables
Two Examples demonstrating the use of the look-up tables (tabulated data) for soil hydraulic properties. The examples are based on Test 1 (Column test, One dimensional infiltration test) and Test2 (Grass field problem - Hupselse Beek 1982) from the 2D-Test Project Group.
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Two Examples demonstrating the use of the seepage face BC to represent subsurface drains. Soil hydraulic properties are described using either van Genuchten or Brooks&Corey functions.
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Stony Soils
Examples from Hlavacikova at al. (2016), demonstrating the use of HYDRUS to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of stony soils for different shapes of rock fragments.
Download 2D HYDRUS projects now (15.5 MB)
Public Library of HYDRUS projects (for version 3)
Click on a Project Group name to get list of projects in the group and other details:
Public Library of HYDRUS projects (for version 5)
Click on a Project Group name to get list of projects in the group and other details:
Projects for Standard Add-on HYDRUS Modules
Examples demonstrating the use of the UNSATCHEM module simulating transport of major ions and their mutual interactions. Two sets of examples are presented. The first set of examples (Test1-x) involves infiltration into a one-dimensional soil column. The second set of examples (Test4-x) involves furrow infiltration. .
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Examples demonstrating the use of the C-Ride module simulating transport of particles and particle facilitated solute transport.
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Examples demonstrating the use of the standard add-on module DualPerm, simulating flow and transport in dual-permeability media.
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Examples demonstrating the use of the standard add-on module HP2 (coupled Hydrus (2D/3D) and PHREEQC [Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999]).
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Projects for Non-Standard External HYDRUS Modules (formally not part of the standard HYDRUS software)
We will be expanding the public library of HYDRUS projects in the near future. We welcome suggestions regarding the types of projects you would like to download here.
Instructions to install additional projects after downloading:
You can either unzip downloaded HYDRUS projects directly into any existing HYDRUS Project Group (e.g., Direct or Inverse) or create a new Project Group. If you unzip downloaded HYDRUS projects into any existing Project Group, then the downloaded projects will be immediately visible using the Project Manager. If you want to create a new Project Group for downloaded projects, follow the instructions below to make them visible in the Project Manager:
- Unzip downloaded HYDRUS projects into a single folder.
- Start HYDRUS and open the Project Manager.
- From the Project Groups Tab click New.
- Define the Name (e.g., Meteo, VZJ, Fracture) and Description (e.g., Drip irrigation into a loamy soil), and browse to the folder with downloaded HYDRUS projects.
- After clicking OK, the new Project Group should be fully defined and accessible using the Project Manager.
- Coquet, Y., J. Šimůnek, C. Coutadeur, M. Th. van Genuchten, V. Pot, and J. Roger-Estrade, Water and solute transport in a cultivated silt loam soil: 2. Numerical analyses, Vadose Zone Journal, 4, 587-601, 2005.
- Lazarovitch, N., I. Kisekka, T. E. Oker, G. Brunetti, T. Wöhling, X. Li, Y. Li, T. H. Skaggs, A. Furman, S. Sasidharan, I. Raij-Hoffman, and J. Šimůnek, Modeling of irrigation and related processes with HYDRUS, Advances in Agronomy, 181, 106 p., ISBN 0065-2113, doi: 10.1016/bs.agron.2023.05.002, 2023.
- Lenhard, R. J., J. C. Parker, and J. J. Kaluarachchi, Comparing simulated and experimental hysteretic two-phase transient fluid flow phenomena, Water Resour. Res., 27(8), 2113-2124, 1991.
- Mallants, D., G. Volckaert, and J. Marivoet, Sensitivity of protective barrier performance to changes in rainfall rate, Waste Management, 19, 467-475, 1999.
- Selim, H. M., R. Schulin, and H. Flühler, Transport and ion exchange of calcium and magnesium in an aggregated soil, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 51(4), 876-884, 1987.
- Šimůnek, J., R. Angulo-Jaramillo, M. Schaap, J.-P. Vandervaere, and M. Th. van Genuchten, Using an inverse method to estimate the hydraulic properties of crusted soils from tension disc infiltrometer data, Geoderma, 86(1-2), 61-81, 1998.