Session 3A - Furrow irrigation with solute pulse
Project Manager Button “New”
Name: Furrow
Description: Furrow irrigation with solute pulse
Button “OK”
Main Processes Heading: Furrow irrigation with solute pulse
Check “Water Flow” and “Solute Transport”
Button “Next”
Geometry Information Type of Flow: Vertical Plane
Geometry Type: General
Number of materials: 1
Length Units: cm
Button “Next”
Time Information Time Units: Days
Final time: 100
Initial Time Step: 0.1
Minimum Time Step: 0.001
Maximum Time Step: 5
Button “Next”
Print Information Check All
Number of Print Times: 18
Button “Select Print Times”: 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50.5, 51, 52.5, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
Button “Next”
Water Flow - Iteration Criteria Water content tolerance: 0.0005
Pressure head tolerance: 0.1
Lower Limit of the Tension Interval: 0.001
Upper Limit of the Tension Interval: 200
Button “Next”
Water Flow - Soil Hydraulic Model Button “Next”
Water Flow - Water Flow Parameters Catalog of Soil Hydraulic Properties: Silt
Button “Next”
Solute Transport - General Information Select GFE with artificial dispersion
Pulse Duration = 50 d
Button “Next”
Solute Transport - Solute Transport Parameters Diffusion Coefficient = 10
Disp.L = 1
Disp.T = 0.1
Button “Next”
Solute Transport - Transport Parameters CBound1=1
Button “Next”
Meshgen-2D: Geometry
Window Coordinates: X=150, Y=50, Width= 400, Hight=150
Set view Stretching factors according to given extents
Menu: Insert->Line->Graphically
Menu: Tools->Circle Input Mode->Center and Radius
Menu: Insert->Circle->Numerically: x=150, y=25, r=5
Meshgen-2D: Boundary Points
Toolbar Button: “Edit Boundary Points”
Button “Number of Boundary Points”:
Outside boundary: 80
Button “Density”
Meshgen-2D: FEM Mesh
Toolbar Button: “Edit FEM Mesh”
Button: Make mesh
The BOUNDARY Module:
- Initial Condition:
Toolbar Button: “Initial Condition”
Button “Select”: Select the entire transport domain
Button “Set Value”: check “equilibrium from the lowest located nodal point.” And set equal to 50. - Water Flow Boundary Conditions:
Toolbar Button: “Water Flow BC”
Zoom in on the left furrow.- Select “Constant pressure”, select bottom of the left furrow and 4 nodes on the side, specify 12 cm with equilibrium from the lowest located nodal point.
Zoom on the drain. - Select “Seepage face”: nodes along the drain.
Default View.
- Observation Nodes
Toolbar Button: “Observation Points”
Specify 5 points arbitrarily in the transport domain between source and drain
Execute HYDRUS
(Execution time on P5-300 = 566)
Menu: Post-Processing ->Observation Points
Menu: Post-Processing ->Boundary Information->Solute Fluxes:
Seepage face flux
Cumulative Seepage face flux
Menu: Post-Processing ->Mass Balances Information
Menu: Post-Processing -> Graphical Display of Results
Pressure heads