Session 2A - Infiltration From a Subsurface Source (Water Flow)
Project Manager Button “New”
Name: source1
Description: Infiltration from a Subsurface Source
Button “Open”
Main Processes Heading: Infiltration from a Subsurface Source
Button “Next”
Geometry Information Type of Flow: Vertical Plane
Geometry Type: General
Length Units: m
Number of materials: 1
Button “Next”
Time Information Time Units: Days
ng: Width = 0.5, Hight = 0.5
Menu: Insert->Line->Graphically: (0,0), (2,0), (2,5), (0,5), (0,0)
Meshgen-2D: Boundary Points
Toolbar Button: “Edit Boundary Points”
Button “Number of Boundary Points” 120
Button “Insert Fix Point” at (0,3.5)
Button "Density"
(0,0): 3, 5 Unselect “Use left value for both”
(2,0): 5, 5
(2,5): 3, 3
(0,5): 3, 2 Unselect “Use left value for both”
(0,3.5): 0.2, 0.2
Meshgen-2D: FEM Mesh
Toolbar Button: “Edit FEM Mesh”
Button: Make mesh
The BOUNDARY Module:
- Initial Condition:
Toolbar Button: “Initial Condition”
Button “Select”: Select the entire transport domain
Button “Set Value”: -1 - Water Flow Boundary Conditions:
Toolbar Button: “Water Flow BC”
Zoom on source: (0,3.5)- Select “Constant pressure”, select three point below and three above the point (0,3.5), specify 0 cm
Toolbar Button: “Default View” - Select “Free Drainage”, select points at the bottom of the soil profile
- Observation points
Toolbar Button: “Observation Points”
S pecify 5 points arbitrarily below the source
Execute HYDRUS
(Execution time on P5-300 = 199s)
Menu: Post-Processing ->Observation Points
Menu: Post-Processing ->Boundary Information->Boundary Fluxes: Constant Boundary
Free Drainage
Menu: Post-Processing ->Graphical Display of Results Pressure heads
Water contents