Hydrus-1D References
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Hydrus-1D Selected References
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- Google Scholar: HYDRUS-1D: over 3000 citations.
- Last update on March 2024.
- Baboshkina, S. V., O. A. Elchininova, A. V. Puzanov, and T. A. Rozhdestvenskaya, Computer simulation of the soil water regime under an apple orchard in a mountainous area (using the example of the leached chernozem of the experimental agricultural station Gorno-Altaiskoe), Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, 336(1), 147–159, doi: 10.18799/24131830/2025/1/4617, 2025.
- Behnam, H., A. F. Firouzi, and J. Šimůnek, Transport and retention of acid-modified biochar nanoparticles and their role in co-transport and remobilization of lead in a saturated sand column, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 236, 128, 18 p., doi: 10.1007/s11270-025-07773-x, 2025.
- Bradford, S. A., and D. Lin, A theoretical model to predict the influence of physicochemical conditions on colloid transport, attachment, detachment, and blocking in porous media, Journal of Hydrology, 650, 132483, 11 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132483, 2025.
- Britez, D. A. A., A. Tapia, and P. M. Gata, A self-calibration algorithm for soil moisture sensors using deep learning, Applied Intelligence, 55, 276, 19 p., doi: 10.1007/s10489-024-05921-0, 2025.
- Garza-Rubalcava, U., C. Klevan, K. D. Pennell, L. M. Abriola, Transport and competitive interfacial adsorption of PFOA and PFOS in unsaturated porous media: Experiments and modeling, Water Research, 268, Part B, 122728, 13 p., doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.122728, 2025.
- Choe, Y., J. Won, and S. E. Burns, Impact of particle size and oxide phase on microplastic transport through iron oxide-coated sand, Water Research, 271, 122856, 10 p, doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.122856, 2025.
- Fu, H., E. J. Neil, H. Li, and B. Si, A fully coupled numerical solution of water, vapor, heat, and water stable isotope transport in soil, Water Resources Research, 61, e2024WR037068, 28 p., doi: 10.1029/2024WR037068, 2025.
- Kang, W., Y. Zhang, W. Zhao, and S. Wu, The effect of gravel mulch on soil evaporation and resistance: Experimental findings and modeling, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 14 p., doi: 10.1007/s42729-024-02190-1, 2025.
- Kumar, D., P. Vijay Kumar, P. K. Gupta, and S. L. Naidu, Transport of Nitrate, Phosphate and Potassium in Vadose Zone with Varying Rainfall Scenarios for a Semi-arid Cotton Growing Region of South India. In: Nanda, A., Gupta, P.K., Gupta, V., Jha, P.K., Dubey, S.K. (eds) Navigating the Nexus. Water Science and Technology Library, vol 102. Springer, Cham doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-76532-2_12, 2025.
- Li, L., X. Li, X. Zheng, H. Ju, X. Li, T. Jiang, and X. Wan, Estimating maize root zone soil moisture by assimilating high spatiotemporal resolution optical and radar remote sensing into the WOFOST-HYDRUS coupled model, Journal of Hydrology, 651, 132618, 17 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132618, 2025.
- Marrazzo, G., and A. Raimondi, The role of urban trees as nature-based solutions for stormwater runoff control, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 103, 128598, 14 p., doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128598, 2025.
- Opoku-Agyemang, E., M. G. Healy, and M. Tong, Evaluation of the performance and complexity of water quality models for peatlands, Journal of Hydrology, 648, 132421, 15 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132421, 2025.
- Ouédraogo, A. A., E. Berthier, J. Sage, and M.-C. Gromaire, Modelling evapotranspiration in urban green stormwater infrastructures: importance of sensitivity analysis and calibration strategies with a hydrological model, Environmental Modelling & Software, 106319, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2025.106319, 2025.
- Petreje, M., M. Sněhota, V. Šípek, T. Hnátková, J. Punčochář, S. Buchtelík, M. Hardman, and L. Trakal, Quantifying the benefts of incorporating biochar in green roof substrates: feld study on the highrise rooftop in temperate climate setting, Biochar, 7, 7, 15 p., doi: 10.1007/s42773-024-00409-z, 2025.
- Radolinski, J., M. Vremec, H. Wachter, S. Birk, N. Brüggemann, M. Herndl, A. Kahmen, D. B. Nelson, A. Kübert, A. Schaumberger, C. Stumpp, M. Tissink, C. Werner, and M. Bahn, Drought in a warmer, CO2-rich climate restricts grassland water use and soil water mixing, Science, 387, 290–296, doi: 10.1126/science.ado0734, 2025.
- Thao, T., S. Begna, L. Hale, K. M. Bali, D. Wang, and S. Gao, Intercropping alfalfa during almond orchard establishment reduces winter soil nitrogen and water losses, provides on-farm revenue, Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 8, e70024, 15 p., soi: 10.1002/agg2.70024, 2025.
- Urdiales, C., D. Urdiales-Flores, Y. Tapia, L. Caceres-Jensen, J. Šimůnek, and M. Antilén, Transport mechanisms of the anthropogenic contaminant sulfamethoxazole in volcanic ash soils at equilibrium pH evaluated using the HYDRUS-1D model, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 487, 137077, 11 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.137077, 2025.
- Volponi, S. N., G. Porta, B. Al-Zghoul, D. Bolster, and W. P. Johnson, Inferring experimental colloid removal with an inverse two-population model linking continuum scale data to nanoscale features, Advances in Water Resources, 104905, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2025.104905, 2025.
- Zhang, J., and N. Li, Simultaneous estimation of soil hydraulic and thermal properties based on multiobjective optimization algorithms, Applied Sciences, 15, 337, 23 p., doi: 10.3390/app15010337, 2025.
- Zhang, S., J. Tong, and M. Ye, Using Sobol’ sensitivity analysis to identify important model layers of a prediction model for simulating soil nitrogen transport in surface runoff and subsurface water, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 17 p., doi: 10.1007/s00477-024-02894-x, 2025.
- Abdelrady, A., Y. Tang, T. Bogaard, and J. W. Foppen, The use of silica encapsulated DNA particles with a supermagnetic iron core (SiDNAMag) in sand filtration system: Effect of water chemistry, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 62, 105316, 9 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.105316, 2024.
- Abidi, M., S. Bachtouli, Z. Ibn Ali, and M. Zairi, Soil contamination by heavy metals through irrigation with treated wastewater in a semi‑arid area, Environmental Earth Sciences, 83, 25, 12 p., doi: 10.1007/s12665-023-11340-0, 2024.
- Ahmad, F., and C. Madramootoo, Modeling soil water dynamics of an intensively cultivated histosol, Vadose Zone Journal, 23(1), e20373, 13 p., doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20373, 2024.
- Almawazreh A., D. Uteau, C. T. Subbarayappa, A. Buerkert, S. Lehmann, and S. Peth" Modeling N fertilization impact on water cycle and water use efficiency of maize, finger-millet, and lablab crops in South India, Vadose Zone Journal, 23(1), e20319, 19 p., doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20319, 2024.
- Ameen, A., M. E. Stevenson, A. K. T. Kirschner, S. Jakwerth, J. Derx, and A. P. Blaschke, Fate and transport of fragmented and spherical microplastics in saturated gravel and quartz sand, Journal of Environmental Quality, 16 p., doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20618, 2024.
- Aranda Britez, D. A., A. Tapia Córdoba, P. Johnson, E. E. Pacheco Viana, and P. Millán Gata, Improving the calibration of low-cost sensors using data assimilation, Sensors, 24, 7846, 28 p., doi: 10.3390/s24237846, 2024.
- Arshadi, M., U. Garza-Rubalcava A. Guedes A, N. L. Cápiro, K. D. Pennell, J. Christ, and L. M. Abriola, Modeling 1-D aqueous film forming foam transport through the vadose zone under realistic site and release conditions, Science of Total Environment, 919, 170566, 12 p.,doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170566, 2024.
- Asano, J., Y. Kojima, C. Kato, and K. Kamiya, Estimating soil hydraulic and thermal properties using publicly available soil information for future prediction of soil temperature and water content, Journal of Japanese Society of Soil Physics, 157, 19-32, 2024.
- Assouline, S., S. Sela, M. Dorman, and T. Svoray, Runoff generation in a semiarid environment: The role of rainstorm intra-event temporal variability and antecedent soil moisture, Advances in Water Resources, 188, 104715, 13 p., doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2024.104715, 2024.
- Assouline, S., S. Sela, M. Dorman, T. Svoray, and J. Selker, A simple analytical method to estimate runoff generation and accumulation, Journal of Hydrology, 644, 132053, 12 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132053, 2024.
- Athmarajah,G., A. Sounthararajah, J. P. Walker, R. Deo, and J. Kodikara, An alternative technology using microwaves for dry back process of unbound granular pavements during construction – A review, Transportation Geotechnics, doi: 10.1016/j.trgeo.2024.101245, 2024.
- Autovino, D., V. Alagna, C. Bondì, and M. Iovino, Hydraulic characterization of green roof substrates by evaporation experiments, Applied Sciences, 14, 1617, 16 p., doi: 10.3390/app14041617, 2024.
- Bai, X., M. Samari-Kermani, J. Schijven, A. Raoof, I. J.T. Dinkla, and G. Muyzer, Enhancing slow sand filtration for safe drinking water production: interdisciplinary insights into Schmutzdecke characteristics and filtration performance in mini-scale filters, Water Research, 262, 122059, 15 p., doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.122059, 2024.
- Behnam, H., A. F. Firouzi, and J. Šimůnek, [[..//Documents/Jirka/Behnam_et_al_SSSAJ_2024.pdf Transport and retention of acid-modified biochar nanoparticles and their role in co-transport and remobilization of Pb2+ in a saturated sand column]], Soil Science Society of America Journal, 88, 700-717, doi: 10.1002/saj2.20669, 2024.
- Biesek, B. J., A. Szymkiewicz, J. Šimůnek, A. Gumuła-Kawęcka, and B. Jaworska-Szulc, Numerical modeling of PFAS movement through the vadose zone: Influence of plant water uptake and soil organic carbon distribution, Science of the Total Environment, 935, 173252, 11 p., doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173252, 2024.
- Bordoni, M., V. Vivaldi, A. Giarola, R. Valentino, M. Bittelli, and C. Meisina, Comparison between mechanical and hydrological reinforcement effects of cultivated plants on shallow slope stability, Science of The Total Environment, 912, 168999, 20 p., doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168999, 2024.
- Boujoudar, M., A. Beljadid, and A. Taik, Implicit EXP-RBF techniques for modeling unsaturated flow through soils with water uptake by plant roots, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 29 p., doi: 10.1016/j.apnum.2024.10.003, 2024.
- Cai, F., X. Zhang, F. Ma, L Qi, D. Lu, and Z. Dai, Differences and implications of strontium distribution coefficient on various granite compositional materials, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-024-34351-1, 2024.
- Callaghan, M. V., S. K. Frey, K. Miller, H.-T. Hwang, R. Zolfaghari, K. Hammel, S. J. Berg, and S. A. Sudicky, Development of a fully integrated hydrological fate and transport model for plant protection products: incorporating groundwater, tile drainage, and runoff, Frontiers in Environmental Sciences, 12, 1505480, 18 p., doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1505480, 2024.
- Camarotto, C., N. Dal Ferro, I. Piccoli, M. Longo, C. Duwig, L. Oxarango, and F. Morari, Investigation of short-term effects of forage radish on water and solute transport through a tracer test and inverse modeling, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 24 p., doi: 10.1002/saj2.20687, 2024.
- Chen, F., B. Zhou, L. Yang, J. Zhuang, and X. Chen, Annual atrazine residue estimation in Chinese agricultural soils by integrated modeling of machine learning and mechanism-based models, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 472, 134539, 11 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.134539, 2024.
- Chen, F., L. Yang, X. Chen, and J. Zhuang, Estimating bacterial breakthrough behaviors based on bacterial retention profiles in porous media, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 1–9, doi: 10.1002/saj2.20673, 2024.
- Chen, F., B. Zhou, L. Yang, J. Zhuang, and X. Chen, Assessing the risk of E. coli contamination from manure application in Chinese farmland by integrating machine learning and Phydrus, Environmental Pollution, 356, 124345, 10 p., doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124345, 2024.
- Chen, X., Y. Zhao, J. Cheng, Y. Hu, B. Si, M. Li, K. H.M. Siddique, N. Azad, and H. He, Extended HYDRUS-1D freezing module emphasizes thermal conductivity schemes for simulation of soil hydrothermal dynamics, Geoderma, 448, 116946, 15 p., doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116946, 2024.
- Chen, Y., J. Zhang, Z. Wang, H. Li, R. Chen, Y. Zhao, T. Huang, and P. Luo, Influence of long-term mulched drip irrigation on upward capillary water movement characteristics in the saline–sodic region of Northwest China, Agronomy, 14, 1300, 16 p., doi: 10.3390/agronomy14061300, 2024.
- Chen, Y., X. Liu, C. Zheng, Y. Ma, W. Gao, J. He, L. Hao, Z. Liu, C. Shi, and Q. Cao, Estimation of water budget components and its driving factors analysis in arid grassland, Science of The Total Environment, 906, 167654, 14 p., doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167654, 2024.
- Chen, Y., X. Liu, Y. Ma, C. Zheng, Y. Zeng, W. Gao, J. He, L. Hao, Z. Liu, C. Shi, and G. Zhao, Regulating and remolding of soil water flux by sparse shrubs in arid desert regions, Catena, 245, 108285, 18 p., doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108285, 2024.
- Chrysanthopoulos, E., M. Perdikaki, K. Markantonis, and A. Kallioras, Integrated subsurface hydrologic modeling for agricultural management using HYDRUS and UZF package coupled with MODFLOW, Water, 16, 3297, 21 p., doi: 10.3390/w16223297, 2024.
- Criscione, K. S., J. S. Fields, J. S. Owen, and A. Gentimis, Stratified substrates enhance water storage and distribution between irrigation events, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 1–16, doi: 10.1002/saj2.20636, 2024.
- da Silva, M. E. R., S. M. dos Santos Neto, R. L. Peronico, L. R. P. de Alcântara, I. R. de Aguiar Costa, A. C. D. Antonino, and A. P. Coutinho, Sobol method for sensitivity analysis of the hydrus model in the simulation of water infiltration in alluvial deposit in the Brazilian semiariid, Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos (Brazilian Journal of Water Resources), 29, e34, 9 p., doi: 10.1590/2318-0331.292420230108, 2024.
- Daneshyar, S. K., M. R. Dalalian, S. Shahmohammadi-Kalalagh, E. Sabbaghtazeh, and S. Saedi, Sensitivity analysis of hydraulic parameters of transport heavy metals Cd, Ni, and Zn in disturbed and undisturbed loamy soil columns, Water and Soil Management and Modeling, 4(3), 203-224, doi: 10.22098/mmws.2023.13055.1299, 2024.
- Davies, M. F., O. Dietrich, H. H. Gerke, and C. Merz, Modeling water flow and volumetric water content in a degraded peat comparing unimodal with bimodal porosity and flux with pressure head boundary condition, Vadose Zone Journal, 23(1), e20328, p. 19, doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20328, 2024.
- de Mello Nascimento, A. C., W. G. Teixeira, A. O. Gonçalves, and A. A. O. Junior, Water balance in happy swamps under forsts and pastures in the Bonfim river basin: Serrana region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, RGSA – Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 23 p., ISSN: 1981-982X, doi: 10.24857/rgsa.v18n7-058, 2024.
- Derbie, M., A. A. Beyene, S. Asres, and M. Yenesew, Modelling soil water and nutrient dynamics under different irrigation techniques of onion production, Water Science, 38(1), 485–500, doi: 10.1080/23570008.2024.2394721, 2024.
- Diamantopoulos, E., J. Šimůnek, T. K. D. Weber, Implementation of the Brunswick model system into Hydrus software suite, Technical Note, Special Section: Tribute to Rien van Genuchten, Recipient of the 2023 Wolf Prize for Agriculture, Vadose Zone Journal, 23(1), 10 p., doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20326, 2024.
- Du, Q., and M. Ross, Timescale of groundwater recharge in high percolation coastal plain soils, Water, 16, 1320, 21 p., doi: 10.3390/w16101320, 2024.
- Duan, L., X. Liu, Y. Sun, and Y. Wu, Elucidating biogeochemical characterization of nitrogen in the vadose zone integrating geochemistry, microorganism, and numerical simulation, Science of The Total Environment, 947, 174687, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174687, 2024.
- Ebrahimi, S., M. Khorram, S. Palmate, V. Chaganti, G. Ganjegunte, and S. Kumar, Assessing field scale spatiotemporal heterogeneity in salinity dynamics using aerial data assimilation, Agricultural Water Management, 305, 109114, doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2024.109114, 2024.
- Elkhadrawi, M., C. Ng, D. J. Bain, E. E. Sargent, E. V. Stearsman, K. A. Gray, and M. Akcakaya, Novel physics informed-neural networks for estimation of hydraulic conductivity of green infrastructure as a performance metric by solving Richards–Richardson PDE, Neural Computing and Applications, 15 p., doi: 10.1007/s00521-023-09378-z, 2024.
- Engels, M., R. Heinse, and H. Young, Soil building and capillary barrier–enhanced water availability help explain Pisonia grandis and other atoll native's tolerance for variable precipitation regimes, Ecohydrology, 0:e2716, 13 p., doi: 10.1002/eco.2716Ecohydrology, 2024.
- Farhain, M., M. Cheema, M. Nadeem, Y. Katanda, R. Thomas, B. Javed, and L. Galagedara, Paper mill wastes and biochar improve physiochemical properties and reduce heavy metals leaching risks in podzolic soils, Environmental Research Communication, 6, 055015, 21 p., doi: 10.1088/2515-7620/ad4985, 2024.
- Feng, Q., Z. Chen, G. Huang, C. An, X. Yang, and Z. Wang, Prolonged drying impedes the detachment of microplastics in unsaturated substrate: Role of flow regimes, Water Research, doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121246, 2024.
- Feng, W., S. Wang, K. Tan, L. Ma, and C. Hu, Simulation of spatial and temporal variation of nitrate leaching in the vadose zone of alluvial regions on a large regional scale, Science of the Total Environment, 916, 170114, 14 p., doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170114, 2024.
- Firouzi, A. F., M. Homaee, R. Kasteel, and E. Klumpp, Transport and deposition of bacteria in undisturbed calcareous soils under saturated and unsaturated conditions, Soil and Tillage Research, 244, 106229, doi: 10.1016/j.still.2024.106229, 2024.
- Fluhrer, A., T. Jagdhuber, C. Montzka, M. Schumacher, H. Alemohammad, A. Tabatabaeenejad, H. Kunstmann, and D. Entekhabi, Soil moisture profile estimation by combining P-band SAR polarimetry with hydrological and multi-layer scattering models, Remote Sensing of Environment, 305, 114067, 18 p., doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114067, 2024.
- Forero, L., and A. Kulmatiski, Independently foraged water and nitrogen both important in determining grassland species abundances, Plant and Soil, 15 p., doi: 10.1007/s11104-024-06897-z, 2024.
- Galiana‑Merino, J. J., S. Gil‑Oncina, J. Valdes‑Abellan, J. L. Soler‑Llorens, and D. Benavente, RadonPotential: An interactive web application for radon potential prediction under diferent climates and soil textures, Earth Science Informatics, 16 p., doi: 10.1007/s12145-024-01311-9, 2024.
- Giakoumatos, S. D. V., C. Siontorou, and D. Sidiras, An extensive review of leaching models for the forecasting and integrated management of surface and groundwater quality, Water, 16, 3348, 62 p., doi: 10.3390/w16233348, 2024.
- Gibson, J., T.E. Franz, T. Gilmore, D. Heeren, J. Gates, S. Thomas" and C. M. U. Neale, Groundwater recharge response to reduced irrigation pumping: Checkbook irrigation and the water savings payment plan, Water, 16, 2910, doi: 10.3390/w16202910, 2024.
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- Glatzle, S., R. G. de Almeida, M. Pereira Barsotti, D. J. Bungenstab, M. Giese, M. C. M. Macedo, S. Stuerz, and F. Asch, Integrated land-use systems contribute to restoring water cycles in the Brazilian Cerrado biome, Land, 13, 221, 16 p., doi: 10.3390/land13020221, 2024.
- Gray, C.S., J. Won, and S. E. Burns, A framework for estimating soil water characteristic curve and hydraulic conductivity function of permeable reactive media, Chemosphere, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.141758, 2024.
- Gumuła‑Kawęcka, C. B. Jaworska‑Szulc, and M. Jefmow, Climate change impact on groundwater resources in sandbar aquifers in southern Baltic coast, Scientifc Reports, 14, 11828, 16 p., doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-62522-0, 2024.
- Guram, S., and R. Bashir, Designing effective low-impact developments for a changing climate: A HYDRUS-Based vadose zone modeling approach, Water, 16, 1803, 26 p., doi: 10.3390/ w16131803, 2024.
- Hamza, K., A. Soulaïmani, and A. Beljadid, A transfer learning physics-informed deep learning framework for modeling multiple solute dynamics in unsaturated soils, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 431, 117276, 28 p., doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117276, 2024.
- Han, J., H. Han, J. Lin, and L. Zhang, Simulation of diurnal evolution of evaporation zone during soil drying after rainfall, Water, 16, 639, 18 p., doi: 10.3390/w16050639, 2024.
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- Huang, J., K. Liu, P. Dou, Q. Gao, C. Liu, J. Du, Z. Miao, Z. Ren, and K. Wang, Different responses of soil water to warming controlled by evapotranspiration during grassland degradation: A case study in the typical steppe of China, Ecological Indicators, 167, 112718, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112718, 2024.
- Ibrahim, H. M., A. A. Al-Issa, A. S. Al-Farraj, A. G. Alghamdi, and A. M. Al-Turki, Effect of stabilized nZVI nanoparticles on the reduction and immobilization of Cr in contaminated soil: Column experiment and transport modeling, Nanomaterials, 14, 862, 25 p., doi: 10.3390/nano14100862, 2024.
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- Jian, M., Y. Che, M. Gao, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, C. Tan, amd H. Li, Migration of naphthalene in a biochar-amended bioretention facility based on HYDRUS-1D analysis, Journal of Environmental Management, 369, 122383, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.122383, 2024.
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References of HP1 (incorporated into Hydrus-1D):
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- Leterme, B., P. Blanc, and D. Jacques, A reactive transport model for mercury fate in soil—application to different anthropogenic pollution sources, Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 21, 12279–12293, DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3135-x, 2014.
- Thaysen, E. M., D. Jacques, S. Jessen, C. E. Andersen, E. Laloy, P. Ambus, D. Postma, and I. Jakobsen, Inorganic carbon fluxes across the vadose zone of planted and unplanted soil mesocosms, Biogeosciences, 11, 7179-7192, 2014.
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- Xie, M., K. U. Mayer, F. Claret, P. Alt-Epping, D. Jacques, C. Steefel, C. Chiaberge, and J. Šimůnek, [[../Documents/Jirka/Xie_et_al_CompGeosci_2015.pdf Implementation and evaluation of permeability-porosity and tortuosity-porosity relationships linked to mineral dissolution-precipitation]], Computational Geosciences, 19(3), 65-671, doi:10.1007/s10596-014-9458-3, 2015.
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- Steefel, C. I., C. A. J. Appelo, B. Arora, D. Jacques, T. Kalbacher, O. Kolditz, V. Lagneau, P. C. Lichtner, K. U. Mayer, J. C. L. Meeussen, S. Molins, D. Moulton, H. Shao, J. Šimůnek, N. Spycher, S. B. Yabusaki, and G. T. Yeh, [[../Documents/Jirka/Steefel_et_al_CompGeosci_2015.pdf Reactive transport codes for subsurface environmental simulation]], Computational Geosciences, 19(3), 445-478, doi:10.1007/s10596-014-9443-x, 2015.
- Leterme, B., and D. Jacques, A reactive transport model for mercury fate in contaminated soil-sensitivity analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(21), 16830-16842, 2015.
- Zhou, D., S. Thiele-Bruhn, M. G. Arenz-Leufen, D. Jacques, P. Lichtner and I. Engelhardt, Impact of manure-related DOM on sulfonamide transport in arable soils, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 192, 118-128, doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2016.07.005, 2016.
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- Makselon, J., D. Zhou, I. Engelhardt, D. Jacques and E. Klumpp, Experimental and numerical investigations of silver nanoparticle transport under variable flow and ionic strength in soil, Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 2096-2104, 2017.
- Mallants, D., J. Šimůnek, M. Th. van Genuchten, and D. Jacques, Simulating the fate and transport of coal seam gas chemicals in variably-saturated soils using HYDRUS, Special Issue “Water and Solute Transport in Vadose Zone”, Water, 9, 385, 34 pp., doi:10.3390/w9060385, 2017.
- Tameh, F. I., G. Asadollahfardi, and A. K. Darban, Mathematical model for reactive transport of heavy metals in soil column: Based on PHREEQC and HP1 simulators, Advances in Environmental Research, 6(1), 67 -81, 2017.
- Valdes-Abellan, J., J. Jiménez-Martínez, L. Candela, D. Jacques, C. Kohfahl, and K. Tamoh, Reactive transport modelling to infer changes in soil hydraulic properties induced by non-conventional water irrigation, Journal of Hydrology, 549, 114-124, 2017.
- Jacques, D., J. Šimůnek, D. Mallants, and M. Th. van Genuchten, [[..//Documents/Jirka/JHH/Jacques_et_al_JHH_2018.pdf The HPx software for multicomponent reactive transport during variably-saturated flow: Recent developments and applications]], Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 66(2), 211-226, doi: 10.1515/johh-2017-0049, 2018.
- Berns, A. E., A. Flath, K. Mehmood, D. Hofmann, D. Jacques, M. Sauter, H. Vereecken, and I. Engelhardt, Numerical and experimental investigations of cesium and strontium sorption and transport in agricultural soils, Vadose Zone J., 17, 170126, 14 p., doi: 10.2136/vzj2017.06.0126, 2018.
- Knabe, D., C. Kludt, D. Jacques, P. Lichtner, and I. Engelhardt, Development of a fully coupled biogeochemical reactive transport model to simulate microbial oxidation of organic carbon and pyrite under nitrate-reducing conditions, Water Resources Research, 54, 9264–9286, doi: 10.1029/2018WR023202, 2018.
- Jia, M., D. Jacques, F. Gérard, D. Su, K. U. Mayer, and J. Šimůnek, [[..//Documents/Jirka/Jia_et_al_Computational_Geosciences_2019.pdf A benchmark for soil organic matter degradation under variably-saturated flow conditions]], Computational Geosciences, 19 p., doi: 10.1007/s10596-019-09862-3, (published online August 8, 2019).
- Rodríguez-Escales, P., C. Barba, X. Sanchez-Vila, D. Jacques, and A. Folch, Coupling flow, heat, and reactive transport modeling to reproduce in situ redox potential evolution: Application to an infiltration pond, Environ. Sci. Technol., doi: 10.1021/acs.est.0c03056, 2020.
- Tremosa, J., M. Debure, S. Narayanasamy, P.-O. Redon, D. Jacques, F. Claret, and J.-C. Robinet, Shale weathering: A lysimeter and modelling study for flow, transport, gas diffusion and reactivity assessment in the critical zone, Journal of Hydrology, 587, 124925, 18 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124925, 2020.
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- Jacques, D., Q. T. Phung, J. Perko, S. C. Seetharam, N. Maes, S. Liu, L. Yu, B. Rogiers, and E. Laloy, Towards a scientific-based assessment of long-term durability and performance of cementitious materials for radioactive waste conditioning and disposal, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 557, 153201, ISSN 0022-3115, doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.153201, 2021.
- Jiang, X., D. Zhou, B. Yan, W. Li, and Y. Guan, Experimental and numerical investigations of phosphorus release under carbonate and variable flow in soil with Mg-Al layered double hydroxides, Chemical Engineering Journal, 406, 126735, 6 p., doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.126735, 2021.
- Latrille, C., A. Wissocq, C. Beaucaire, and O. Bildstein, Reactive transport of strontium in two laboratory-scale columns: Experiments and modelling, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 242, 103850, 12 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2021.103850, 2021.
- Laloy, E., and D. Jacques, Speeding up reactive transport simulations in cement systems by surrogate geochemical modeling: Deep Neural Networks and k-Nearest Neighbors, Transport in Porous Media, 143, 433–462, doi: 10.1007/s11242-022-01779-3, 2022.
- Doulgeris, C., Z. Kypritidou, V. Kinigopoulou, and E. Hatzigiannakis, Simulation of potassium availability in the application of biochar in agricultural soil, Agronomy, 13, 784, doi: 10.3390/agronomy13030784, 2023.
- Jacques, D., O. Kolditz, I. Szőke, S. V. Churakov, D. García, E. Laloy, V. Montoya, N. I. Prasianakis, and J. Samper, "Digitalization and Digital Twins in Long Term Management of Radioactive Waste." Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ASME 2023 International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. Stuttgart, Germany. October 3–6, 2023. V001T10A007. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/ICEM2023-110268
- Liu, Q., Y. Liu, M. Jin, J. Zhou, and P. A. Ferré, Improving the estimation of salt distribution during evaporation in saline soil by HP1 mdel, Journal of Earth Science, 34(5), 1567–1576, doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1447-6, 2023.
- Santiago, J. R., T. Sekito, and Y. Dote, Long-term leaching behavior and geochemical modeling of cement solidified incineration fly ash containing waste tires and wood biomass, Minerals, 13, 823, 15 p., doi: 10.3390/min13060823, 2023.
- Mederos, M., C. Pla, J. Valdes-Abellan, and D. Benavente, Evaluating nickel removal efficacy of Filtralite under laboratory conditions: Implications for sustainable urban drainage systems, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 63, 105416, 11 p., doi: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.105416, 2024.
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... * Water Flow ...
... ** Solute Transport ...
... + Inverse Problem ...