This example closely corresponds with the Test2 example from the Direct work group, described in the manual. However, potential values of evaporation and transpiration are calculated internally by HYDRUS using the Bear’s law from entered potential values of evapotranspiration and LAI.
The same as Test2LAIa, except that daily variations of transpiration and precipitation are generated by HYDRUS.
The same as Test2LAIa, except that rooting depths are specified.
Similar as Test2LAIa, except that Potential evaporation and potential transpiration are calculated using the Penman-Monteith combination equation (from solar radiation and other meteorological variables), the rooting depth is specified.
Similar as Test2LAIa, except that Potential evaporation and potential transpiration are calculated using the Penman-Monteith combination equation (from potential radiation and other meteorological variables), the rooting depth is specified.
Surface energy balance for the experimental site in Riverside, CA, is evaluated based on the input of daily values of solar radiation. Daily variations of meteorological variables are generated using meteorological models.
Surface energy balance for the experimental site in Riverside, CA, is evaluated based on the input of the transmission coefficient and calculated daily potential radiation. Daily variations of meteorological variables are generated using meteorological models.
Surface energy balance for the experimental site in Riverside, CA, is evaluated based on the input of daily values of solar radiation and the transmission coefficient. Daily variations of meteorological variables are generated using meteorological models.
Surface energy balance for the experimental site in Riverside, CA, is evaluated based on the input of hourly values of solar radiation.
Surface energy balance for the experimental site in Riverside, CA, is evaluated based on the input of hourly values of solar radiation and the transmission coefficient.
Evaporation for the experimental site in Riverside, CA, is evaluated using the Penman-Monteith equation based on the input of daily values of solar radiation. Daily variations of meteorological variables are generated using meteorological models.
Example demonstrating the use of a set of boundary conditions multiple times. In this particular example, a one year long set (365 d) of BCs is used 5 times.
EnBal examples are based on the experimental data reported by Saito et al. (2006).