Home / Support and Services / HYDRUS Support / Courses and Workshops / Short Courses & Workshops 2023 / HYDRUS Conference, Prague 2023 / HYDRUS 2023 Presentations
Invited Keynote Presentations
- Brunetti, G., J. Šimůnek, and R. Kodešová, Re-greening HYDRUS; Towards a unified physically-based soil-plant model.(pdf)*
- Jacques, D., J. Šimůnek, H. Meeussen, and E. Laloy, Recent progress in the development of the HPx framework for reactive transport calculations. (pdf)
- Lazarovitch, N., I. Kisekka, T. E. Oker, G. Brunetti, T. Wöhling, L. Xianyue, L. Yong, T. H. Skaggs, A. Furman, S. Sasidharan, I. Raij-Hoffman, and J. Šimůnek, Modeling of Irrigation and Related Processes with HYDRUS. (pdf)
- Šimůnek, J., G. Brunetti, D. Jacques, T. Zhou, M. Šejna, and M. Th. van Genuchten, Recent developments and applications of the HYDRUS software packages.( pdf)
Abstracts for Oral Presentations
- Biesek, B., A. Szymkiewicz, and J. Šimůnek, Modeling PFAS movement through the vadose zone with root water uptake and non-uniform organic carbon distribution. (pdf)
- Brunetti, G., J. Šimůnek, T. Wöhling, and C. Stumpp, Towards a new calibration module for HYDRUS: Pitfalls and opportunities in the use of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo ensemble samplers. (pdf)
- Chandel, A., D. Swami, and N. Joshi, Application of 2D dual-permeability approach for simulating solute transport through a layered medium.
- Cséplő, A., I. Geresdi, and S. Czigány, The impact of soil properties on fog formation. (pdf)
- Diamantopoulos, E., On the validity of Richards equation under dynamic flow conditions.
- Doulgeris, C., Z. Kypritidou, V. Kinigopoulou, and E. Hatzigiannakis, Modeling of potassium availability by coupling HYDRUS-1D and PHREEQC in agricultural soils. (pdf)
- Fér, M., R. Kodešová, O. Golovko, A. Nikodem, A. Klement, and R. Grabic, Using HYDRUS for simulating the transport of four pharmaceuticals in soil columns.
- Iden, S., J. Šimůnek, and W. Durner, Coupled hydrothermal modeling of subsurface heating near power cables under atmospheric boundary conditions.
- Jacques, D., J. Govaerts, and S. Liu, Implementation of geometries relevant for geological disposal of intermediate or high-level radio-active waste in HYDRUS 5.x and HPx.(pdf)
- Jacques, D. L. Mosley, and J. Rahman, Modeling the effect of prolonged drought events on the acidification of acid sulfate soils. (pdf)
- Jeřábek, J., and D. Zumr, Water flow distribution in tilled layered soil.
- Maertens, M., I. Van Keer, I. Joris, J. Vos, G. Jacobs, and G. Van Gestel, Leaching-behavior and transport of PFAS: review and update of the Flemish methodology for dispersion risk assessment.
- Miranda-Vélez, J. F., E. Diamantopoulos, and I. Vogeler, Does macropore flow in no-till systems bypass mobile soil nitrogen after harvest? (pdf)
- Nikodem, A., R. Kodešová, M. Fér, A. Klement, V. Penížek, and T. Zádorová, The use of scaling factors for the interpretation of spatial variability of hydraulic properties in HYDRUS programs.
- Ouředníček, P., B. Hudcová, L. Trakal, R. Kodešová, J. Diederik, and B. Luke, Transport of Zn and Pb through soil treated with biochar and its modification using laboratory columns: Investigation of a reactive transport modeling approach by Hydrus-1D.
- Pawłowicz, M., B. Baliś, A. Szymkiewicz, and J. Šimůnek, Development of a coupling interface for Hydrus-1D and MODFLOW 2005. (pdf)
- Polat, B., and D. Buyuktaş, Comparison of different lateral depths and irrigation scenarios in sorghum plant using HYDRUS-2D. (pdf)
- Ramos, T. B., M. Liu, P. Paredes, H. Shi, Z. Feng, H. Lei, and L. S. Pereira, Salts dynamics in maize irrigation using static water table lysimeters and HYDRUS-1D with focus on the autumn leaching. (pdf)
- Salvi-Taga, R. G., R. Meffe, V. Martínez-Hernández, and I. de Bustamante, Application of soil amendments to enhance ketoprofen attenuation in vegetation filters: Lab-scale experiments and reactive transport modeling. (pdf)
- Scheiffele, L. M., M. Munz, T. Francke, G. Baroni, S. E. Oswald, and K. Dimitrova-Petrova, Constraining groundwater recharge estimates at the field scale using soil hydrologic modeling and measured root zone soil moisture: How to deal with the vertical sensitivity of cosmic-ray measurements.(pdf)
- Surendran, S., and D. Jaiswal, Impact of climate change on soil water dynamics due changes in plant bio-physio-chemical processes. (online)
- Weber, T. K. D., and E. Diamantopoulos, Neglecting non-capillarity in soil hydraulic property characterization in soil-vegetation models causes biased root water uptake.
- Wutzler, B., S. Oswald, M. Munz, C.-G. Bannick, A. Kerndorff, and K. Dimitrova-Petrova, Microplastic displacement in soil: Simulating water percolation and associated microplastic transport with Hydrus-1D based on a lysimeter experiment.
- Zhuang, L., H. Zhu, M. Th. van Genuchten, Q. Zhang, K. Lin, Analysis of soil water dynamics and root water uptake for various vegetation covers. (online)
Abstracts for Poster Presentations
- Antunes, J., A. Paz, N. Castanheira, M. Gonçalves, A. Chanson, I. Gould, A. Almås, and M. Goddard, Can the plant's tolerance to soil salinity be increased by pre-adapting soil's microbiome? Using HYDRUS to model the effect of soil salinity in root water uptake for different irrigation treatments.
- Brunetti, G., R. Kodešová, H. Švecová, M. Fér, A. Nikodem, A. Klement, R. Grabic, and J. Šimůnek, Using HYDRUS for simulating behavior of six pharmaceuticals in soil columns with green pea plants.
- De Matteis, A., A. E. Berns, N. Siebers, and L. Weihermüller, Colloid-facilitated nutrient transport in a forest ecosystem.
- Diongue, D. M. L., G. Brunetti, C. Stumpp, F. C. Do, O. Roupsard, D. Orange, W. Faye, S. Sow, C. Jourdan, and S. Faye, Probabilistic inference of the hydrological impact of Faidherbia Albida in an arid area of Senegal.
- Diongue, D. M. L., F. C. Do, C. Stumpp, D. Orange, C. Jourdan, S. Sow, S. Faye, and O. Roupsard, Evaluation of parameterization approaches for estimating soil hydraulic parameters with HYDRUS-1D in the Groundnut Basin of Senegal.
- Gumuła-Kawęcka, A., B. Jaworska-Szulc, A. Szymkiewicz, W. Gorczewska-Langner, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, and J. Šimůnek, Using the HYDRUS-1D model to simulate climate change impact on vadose zone and shallow groundwater. (pdf)
- Jacques, D., and M. Gedeon, HPx as a numerical solver in MT3D-USGS.
- Maqbool, A. and M. Saeed, Links between cotton sowing practices and groundwater recharge under climate change.
- Nikodem, A., R. Kodešová, M. Fér, and A. Klement, Description of the spatial and temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties using the scaling factors and their utilization in modeling with HYDRUS programs.
- Oad, V. K., T. Berezowski, A. Gumuła Kawęcka, and A. Szymkiewicz, Comparative analysis of Hydrus and HydroGeoSphere vadose zone models.
- Posted are only those contributions, for which we got the permissions to post them.