Home / Support and Services / HYDRUS Support / Courses and Workshops / Short Courses & Workshops 2017 / HYDRUS Conference, Prague 2017 / HYDRUS 2017 Presentations
Invited Keynote Presentations
- Brunetti, G., and J. Šimůnek, Selected Applications of HYDRUS Models for Engineering Problems. (pdf)
- Bezerra Coelho, C. R., L. Zhuang, and M. Th. van Genuchten, Hydrus-1D tests of the Hyprop evaporation method for estimating the unsaturated soil hydraulic functions. (pdf)
- Jacques, D., D. Zhou, J. Makselon, I. Engelhardt, and S. Thiele-Bruh, Colloid and colloid-facilitated transport modeling using HPx. (pdf)
- Langergraber G., Process-based models for subsurface flow treatment wetlands: Recent developments and challenges. (pdf)
- Raij, I., G. Bel, and Naftali Lazarovitch, Unveiling multi-dimensional water flow and solute transport using HYDRUS codes. (pdf)
- Šimůnek, J., M. Th. van Genuchten, D. Jacques, and M. Šejna, Recent developments and applications of the HYDRUS software packages. (pdf)
Abstracts for Oral Presentations
- Arye, G., and J. Šimůnek, Surface-active root exudates induced flow phenomena in the rhizosphere: A numerical study. (pdf)
- Batalha, M. S., E. M. Pontedeiro, and M. Th. van Genuchten, Groundwater recharge calculations as affected by temporal averaging of meteorological data. (pdf)
- Berger, K., Comparison and validation of SWMS_2D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) for capillary barriers using data of a 10-m tipping through. (pdf)
- Diamantopoulos, E., M. Walkinshaw, T. O’Geen, and T. Harter, Assessing nitrate leaching potential in California’s agricultural soils through Hydrus-1D simulations. (pdf)
- Fér, M., R. Kodešová, A. Nikodem, and A. Klement, Using HYDRUS-1D for estimating soil hydraulic parameters from capillary rise and evaporation rates measured using a clay tank and soil respiration chamber, respectively, and their correlation with a net CO2 exchange rate. (pdf)
- Filipović, V., Y. Coquet, V. Pot, P. Cambier, L. Filipović, S. Houot, and P. Benoit, Modeling the effect of tillage and urban waste compost addition on water flow and contaminant (Isoproturon, Cu, Cd) transport in agricultural field using HYDRUS-2D. (pdf)
- Glass, J., T. Fichtner, and C. Stefan, Stepwise calibration of hydraulic conductivity changes in a laboratory tank simulating managed aquifer recharge operation. (pdf)
- Hartmann, A., J. Šimůnek, M. K. Aidoo, S. J. Seidel, and N. Lazarovitch, A new HYDRUS add-on module to model the interactions between plant roots, soil properties, and water flow conditions in soils. (pdf)
- Hlaváčiková, H., V. Novák, J. Šimůnek, L. Holko, Z. Kostka, and M. Danko, The effects of rock fragment shapes and positions on modeled hydraulic conductivities of stone soils. (pdf)
- Hochfeldt, V., B. Pucher, and G. Langergraber, Simulating a full-scale two-stage vertical flow wetland system using the HYDRUS Wetland Module. (pdf)
- Iden, S. C., E. Diamantopoulos, and W. Durner, Capillary, film and vapour flow during transient evaporation: Inverse simulation of lab experiments using pressure head and humidity data.
- Khaddam, I., S. Werisch, and N. Schuetze, A modeling-based optimization framework for reclamation leaching practices. (pdf)
- Liang, J., S. A. Bradford, J. Šimůnek, and A. Hartmann, Modeling non-equilibrium overland flow and transport processes using HYDRUS-1D. (pdf)
- Llorens, C., B. Pucher, and G. Langergraber, Determination of parameters describing the hydraulic behavior of filter materials for stormwater filters using HYDRUS. (pdf)
- Pucher, B., and G. Langergraber, Simulation results using the HYDRUS Wetland Module for different sized filter medias in vertical flow treatment wetlands. (pdf)
- Šimůnek, J., M. Th. van Genuchten, and M. Šejna, Current developments in the HYDRUS software packages. (pdf)
- Sittig, S. Coupling DREAM Suite and PEARL for parameter inference in a Bayesian framework. (pdf)
- Suskin, V. V., I. V. Kapyrin, and A. V. Rastorguev, Modeling unsaturated groundwater flow and transport in the vadose zone using GeRa code. (pdf)
- Szymkiewicz, A., J. Šimůnek, A. Gumuła-Kawęcka, S. Beegum, B. Leterme, B. Jaworska-Szulc, M. Pruszkowska Caceres, W. Gorczewska-Langner, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, and D. Jacques, Development and evaluation of the Hydrus package for Modflow. (pdf)
- Turco, M., G. Brunetti, A. Nikodem, M. Fér, R. Kodešová, and P. Piro, Water flow modeling in the highly permeable pavement using Hydrus-2D. (pdf)
Abstracts for Poster Presentations
- Boas, T., D. Mallants, and J. Šimůnek, Episodic groundwater recharge in the arid interior of Australia: Multi-model transfer function approach. (pdf)
- Brunetti, G., J. Šimůnek, T . Wöhling, M. Turco, and P. Piro, A computationally efficient pseudo-2D model for the numerical analysis of permeable pavements. (pdf)
- Filipović, V., H. H. Gerke, L. Filipović, and M. Sommer, Simulating subsurface lateral flow in eroded soils with contrasting horizon properties using HYDRUS-2D. (pdf)
- Goddard, M., C. Mendoza, and M. Hassanizadeh, The movement of groundwater and dissolved salts through an oil-sand tailings storage facility using Hydrus-2D. (pdf)
- Klement, A., M. Fér, Š. Novotná, A. Nikodem, and R. Kodešová, Using HYDRUS-1D and 2D for assessing the impact of different root distributions on simulated root water uptake.(pdf)
- Kodešová, R., M. Fér, A. Klement, A. Nikodem, D. Teplá, P. Neuberger, and P. Bureš, Using HYDRUS-1D for simulating water flow and heat transport under various surface covers.(pdf)
- Mallants, D., A. Buter, and J. Šimůnek, A coupled HYDRUS-1D - PHREEQC analysis of major ion geochemistry and trace metal transport in soil leached with coal seam gas produced water. (pdf)
- Mallants, D., and J. Šimůnek, Defining safe water quality requirements for sustainable irrigation with coal seam gas produced water. (pdf)
- Mallants, D., J. Šimůnek, A. Taylor, M. Williams, and R. Kookana, Natural soil attenuation potential of hydraulic fracturing chemicals and their transformation products. (pdf)
- Nikodem, A., R. Kodešová, M. Fér, and A. Klement, Using HYDRUS codes and scaling factors characterizing spatial and temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties for assessing the impact of soil erosion on soil water hydrology.
- Van den Eertwegh, G.A.P.H., R. P. Bartholomeus, D. G. Cirkel, and K. J. Raat, Sub-irrigation by controlled drainage systems using treated wwtp water: Field test and 2D modeling experiments. (pdf)
- Weiss, T., M. Slavík, and J. Bruthans, Model of near-surface flow in drying sandstone. (pdf)