HYDRUS shortcourse: February 23-27, 2015, Adelaide, Australia
The short course have been canceled
HYDRUS Training Course
Simulating soil water movement and chemical transport using HYDRUS and the biogeochemical transport model HP1
Download the course flyer
Human populations are currently growing in arid and semiarid regions, resulting in an increased use of groundwater for agriculture, industry, drinking water production, etc. In Australia, for example, dependence on groundwater increased by nearly 90 per cent from 1983 to 1996. To develop a sustainable management of groundwater resources, understanding the interactions between climate, soil water fluxes, plant processes, deep drainage, upward water flow, and groundwater recharge is very important. Such understanding is key to guide future groundwater resource management under potentially changing boundary conditions of climate and vegetation. A typical example where physically-based models such as HYDRUS provide useful insights concerns modelling of the movement of water and salt to and from arid/semi-arid wetlands to provide temporal predictions of wetland salinity which can be used to assess ecosystem behaviour.
Issues of subsurface water quality and loss of soil fertility are also becoming increasingly more important as the pressure on land increases. Soils may further be part of environmental management practices to combat greenhouse gas emissions, for instance by enhancing soil carbon sequestration. Because migration of inorganic and organic contaminants and other elements in the subsurface is affected by a multitude of complex, interactive physical, geochemical and microbiological processes, an integrated analysis is needed. For example, cycles of precipitation and evaporation largely determine if contaminants remain near the soil surface. Changes in the chemical composition or pH of the soil solution may impact the retention of metals on organic matter or iron oxides. Dissolution and precipitation of trace element bearing minerals generally buffer the transport of a solution with a different pH through the soil profile. Simulation of these and related processes requires a coupled reactive transport code such as HP1/2 that integrates the physical processes of variably-saturated water flow and convective-dispersive solute transport with a range of biogeochemical processes.
Numerical modelling is becoming an increasingly important tool for analyzing such complex problems involving water flow and contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone. The family of HYDRUS codes covered in this course are sophisticated numerical models for addressing multi-dimensional variably-saturated flow and contaminant transport problems at spatial scales ranging from lab to field to landscape scale.
This course is designed to familiarize participants with the principles and mathematical analysis of variably-saturated flow, transport processes and coupled multicomponent reactive transport, and the application of state-of-the-art numerical codes to site-specific subsurface flow and transport problems.
Although participants should have a general background in the principles of soil physics and chemistry, the course gives an introduction to some theoretical aspects of water flow, solute transport, and heat transport in soils, geochemical equilibrium modelling and geochemical processes as cation exchange, surface complexation and kinetic reactions. Most of the time, "hands-on" computer sessions will familiarize the participants with the software packages both in basic usage of the simulation tools as transferring a given problem to it.
Course Software
The course introduces a state-of-the-art generation of Windows-based numerical models for simulating water, heat and/or contaminant transport in variably-saturated porous media. These include the HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) codes for one- and two/three-dimensional simulations, respectively, the geochemical UNSATCHEM module and HP1/2 for one/two-dimensional biogeochemical transport. HYDRUS-1D, HYDRUS (2D/3D), and HP1/2 are supported by interactive graphics-based interfaces for data-preprocessing, generation of unstructured as well as structured finite element grid systems, and graphic presentation of the simulation results. Except for HYDRUS (2D/3D) (and its modules), all software packages are in the public domain.
Course Instructors
Jirka Šimůnek is a Professor of Hydrology at the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of California Riverside. He is the author of the HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) software, primarily developed for modeling water flow, chemical movement and heat transport through variably-saturated soils. He is also involved in the development of the reactive transport code HP1/2.
Diederik Jacques is a research scientist at the Performance Assessment Unit, Institute of Environment, Health, and Safety of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. He is working on different aspects of coupling unsaturated water flow, solute transport and geochemical reaction including the development and testing of the coupled code HP1/2.
Course audience
The course is intended for MSc. and PhD. students, researchers and practicing professionals wishing to expand their knowledge on water flow and chemical movement in soils using the HYDRUS and HP1 software.
Course Program
Day 1
Background on variably-saturated water flow and solute transport processes.
Review of the hydraulic properties of unsaturated porous media.
Introduction to HYDRUS-1D software package.
Application of HYDRUS-1D to simple one-dimensional problems.
Application of HYDRUS-1D to a transient water flow and solute transport problem.
Advanced one-dimensional forward and inverse problems with HYDRUS-1D.
Day 2
Application of HYDRUS-1D to modeling salinity using the standard and UnsatChem Modules of HYDRUS-1D.
Introduction to HYDRUS (2D/3D) software package.
Application of HYDRUS (2D/3D) to drip irrigation.
New developments in the HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) software.
Review of processes controlling the fate and transport of viruses and bacteria in the subsurface.
Application of HYDRUS-1D to virus and bacteria transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media
Day 3
– Biogeochemical modeling with PHREEQC-3
Principles of biogeochemical equilibrium modeling.
PHREEQC-2: Introduction, Database.
PHREEQC-2: Definition of the initial solution.
PHREEQC-2: Examples of reaction path modeling.
Day 4
– Biogeochemical modeling with HP1 Reactive transport in the vadose zone: Examples and approach in HP1
First example with HP1.
Surface-related processes.
Exchange processes in PHREEQC-2 and HP1.
Kinetic reaction networks applied to soil organic matter.
Day 5
During the day 5 a users’ workshop will be held which is aimed to bring together current and future users of HYDRUS. This will provide an opportunity to show various applications of HYDRUS in research and management, and to discuss future needs and directions. This is a unique opportunity for all HYDRUS users to participate and to give a brief overview of their work. Both oral and poster presentations are welcome. We plan to publish a workshop proceedings consisting of brief overviews of the various HYDRUS applications. Hence, we ask participants to prepare a short (2 to 4 pages) extended abstract summarizing their particular application and results, including references to key publications they may have written about the application. Contributions will be accepted also from those who are not able to attend the workshop.
The deadline for submitting your contribution is February 1, 2015. Please send the contribution (preferably in Word) to Saeed.Torkzaban@csiro.au. Please include a title, the authors involved (underline the name of the person giving the presentation), and their affiliations.
General Information
Date: February 23th – 27th 2015
CSIRO Land & Water Gate 5, Waite Road, Waite Campus, Urrbrae SA 5064
Registration and contact:
via email to Saeed.Torkzaban@csiro.au
Please indicate whether you wish to attend the workshop on day 5.
Registration fee:
Students: $1,000
CSIRO & University Staff: $1,500
Others: $2,000
This price includes course documentation, coffee breaks, lunches, a social event and a conference dinner.
Computer exercises will be done on your own personal laptops. Please inform us if you are not able to bring your own laptop.
Course Secretary
All mail should be addressed to:
Saeed Torkzaban
CSIRO Land & Water
Gate 5, Waite Road, Waite Campus, Urrbrae SA 5064
Tel: +61 8 8303 8491 | Fax: +61 8 8303 8555| Mobile: 0450330441
Email: Saeed.Torkzaban@csiro.au