Short Courses & Workshops 2012
Venue of the Course/Workshop and links
February 4-5, 2012
HYDRUS course, Bangalore, India
February 20-24, 2012
HYDRUS and HP1 course Adelaide, Australia (CSIRO and Flinders University)
March 6-8, 2012
HYDRUS course, Prague, Czech Republic
Czech Republic
March 15-17, 2012
HYDRUS course, Golden, CO, USA
May 2-4, 2012
HYDRUS course, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil
May 30-June 1, 2012
HYDRUS course, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
June 2-3, 2012
HYDRUS course, Beijing, China
October 18-19, 2012
HYDRUS course, Ausenco, Inc., Santiago, Chile
November 29-30, 2012
HYDRUS Wetland module course, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia
HYDRUS shortcourse: March 6-8, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic

“Advanced modeling of water flow and contaminant transport in porous media using the HYDRUS and HP1 software packages”
Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Prague, Czech Republic PC Progress, Ltd, Prague, Czech Republic
The shortcourse instructors:
Dr. Jirka Šimůnek, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of California Riverside, CA, USA
Dr. Radka Kodešová, Department of Soil Science and Geology of the University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Course Objectives:
A detailed conceptual and mathematical description of water flow and solute transport processes in the vadose zone will be covered during the first part of the course. Hands-on computer sessions will then provide participants an opportunity to become familiar with the windows-based HYDRUS computer software packages, including several additional modules, such as ROSETTA, HP1, UNSATCHEM, and/or the Wetlands module. Emphasis will be on preparation of input data for a variety of one- and multi-dimensional applications. Selected advanced HYDRUS topics will be covered during the second part of the course.
Advanced topics will include:
- Coupled movement of water, vapor, and energy (including the surface energy balance)
- Preferential/nonequilibrium water flow and solute transport (using dual-porosity and dual-permeability models)
- Biogeochemical transport (using the UNSATCHEM and HP1 (coupled HYDRUS-1D and PHREEQC) modules)
- Modeling flow and transport using a three-dimensional module of HYDRUS (2D/3D)
More information:
Selected photos from the short course and the workshop (click to enlarge):
The group photo
The lecture room
The computer room
The computer room
Selected photos from the dinner:
HYDRUS shortcourse: March 15-17, 2012, Golden, Colorado, USA
“Modeling water flow and contaminant transport in soils and groundwater using the HYDRUS software packages”
International Groundwater Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado
The shortcourse instructor:
Dr. Jirka Šimůnek, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of California Riverside, CA, USA
Course scope
The course begins with a detailed conceptual and mathematical description of water flow and solute transport processes in the vadose zone, followed by an brief overview of the use of finite element techniques for solving the governing flow and transport equations. Special attention is given to the highly nonlinear nature of the governing flow equation. Alternative methods for describing and modeling the hydraulic functions of unsaturated porous media are also described. "Hands-on" computer sessions will provide participants an opportunity to become familiar with the Windows-based HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) software packages. Emphasis will be on the preparation of input data for a variety of applications, including flow and transport in a vadose zone, subsurface drip irrigation, flow and transport to a tile drain, and two-dimensional leachate migration from a landfill through the unsaturated zone into groundwater. Calibration will be discussed and demonstrated by means of a one-dimensional inverse problem.
Enrollment & Registration
The fee for the short course is $1045 by 4PM Mountain Daylight Time, Februray 29, 2012 ($1245 after Februray 29). You will be invoiced for the tuition balance. The fee covers instruction, course notes, refreshments, and continuing education units. Lodging and meals are not covered. Payment in full must be received prior to the beginning of the course. The registration fee may be paid by check, VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover or purchase order (US Only). A maximum of 20 applicants will be able to attend the course due to space limitations.
If cancellation is made before Februray 29, 2012, tuition will be refunded except for the $100 deposit. Cancellations made after that date will forfeit a $150 processing fee in addition to the $100 deposit. In case of cancellation, the right to course material is forfeited. Substitutions are permitted at any time prior to the start of the course. Please be advised that if the program is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, Colorado School of Mines will return all course fees, but will not be liable for any other expenses incurred by the prospective attendees.
More information:
More details can be found at, or contact Prof. Jirka Simunek
HYDRUS shortcourse: February 4-5, 2012, Bangalore, India
“Modeling water flow and contaminant transport in soils and groundwater using the HYDRUS software packages”
Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, India
The HYDRUS course will precede a Winter School, a set of lectures on Advanced Topics in HYDROLOGY held from February 6th to 10th.
While a nominal fee will be charged for the HYDRUS course, the remaining lectures will be free.
Download flyer and registration form for the Hydrus Short Course (251 kB)
Download flyer and registration form for the Winter School (251 kB)
HYDRUS shortcourse: May 2 - 4 1, 2012, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil
“Modeling water flow and contaminant transport in soils and groundwater using the HYDRUS and STANMOD computer software packages”
The short course is organized by the Universidade Estudal de Santa Cruz, UESC.
Course Location: Universidade Estudal de Santa Cruz, UESC, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil
The instructor of the shortcourse is Prof. Rien van Genuchten, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, one of the main developers of the HYDRUS models and Dr. Elizabeth May Pontedeiro.
Hands-on computer sessions will provide participants an opportunity to become familiar with the windows-based HYDRUS computer software packages. Information will be provided also about several additional modules, such as ROSETTA, RETC, STANMOD, etc.
Selected photos from the short course (click to enlarge):
The lecture room
The lecture room
The group photo
HYDRUS shortcourse: May 30 - June 1, 2012, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
“Modeling water flow and contaminant transport in soils and groundwater using the HYDRUS computer software”
The short course was organized by the the Graduate Program of Water Resources in Agricultural Systems, Universidade Federal de Lavras, UFLA, May 30-June 1, 2012.
Course Location: Federal University of Lavras, UFLA, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Instructors of the shortcourse were Prof. Rien van Genuchten, one of the developers of the HYDRUS models, Dr. Elizabeth May Pontedeiro, and Dra. Marcia Batalha of the Departments of Mechanical, Nuclear and Civil Engineering, respectively, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hands-on computer sessions provided participants an opportunity to become familiar with the windows-based HYDRUS and STANMOD computer software packages. Information was provided also about several additional codes, such as ROSETTA, RETC, and STANMOD.
For more information, please contact Prof. Luiz Antonio Lima, Prof. Rien van Genuchten,, or Dr. Betty May Pontedeiro, Course Details.
Selected photos from the short course (click to enlarge):
The lecture room
The lecture room
The group photo
HYDRUS shortcourse: June 2-3, 2012, Biejing, China
“Modeling water flow and contaminant transport in porous media using the HYDRUS and HP1 software packages”
The short course is organized by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China.
The instructor of the shortcourse is Dr. Jirka Šimůnek, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside (CA), the main developer of the HYDRUS models.
Hands-on computer sessions will provide participants an opportunity to become familiar with the windows-based HYDRUS computer software packages. Information will be provided also about several additional modules, such as ROSETTA, HP1, UNSATCHEM, and/or the Wetlands modules.
Selected advanced HYDRUS topics will be covered during the second part of the course. The advanced topics will include:
- Biogeochemical transport (using the UNSATCHEM and HP1 (coupled HYDRUS-1D and PHREEQC) modules
- Modeling flow and transport using a three-dimensional module of HYDRUS (2D/3D)
Latest developments with respect to biogeochemical modeling with HP1 (HYDRUS-PHREEQC).
During the course we will present several new (or updated) modules:
- DualPerm - water flow and solute transport in dual-permeability porous media
- C-Ride - colloid-facilitated solute transport in soils
- Unsatchem - transport of and reactions between major ions in soils
- Wetland - flow, transport and biogeochemical processes in the wetlands
- HP123 - biogeochemical transport in one-, two-, and three-dimensional domains.
For more information, please contact Dr. Weiping Chen, or Prof. Jirka Simunek
Selected photos from the short course (click to enlarge):
The lecture room
The lecture room
The group photo
HYDRUS shortcourse: October 18-19, 2012, Ausenco, Inc., Santiago, Chile
The workshop is organized by Ausenco, Inc., Av. Las Condes 11.283 I Piso 9, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
For more information, contact Rony Manuel Portilla.
The shortcourse instructors:
Jan Hendrickx, Professor of Hydrology, Dept of Earth & Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM
Prof. Rien van Genuchten, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
HYDRUS Wetlands Module Workshop: November 29-30, 2012, Perth, Western Australia
“Modeling water flow and contaminant transport in constructed wetlands using the Wetland Module of the HYDRUS software packages”
The workshop is organized by the Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia after the 13th International Conference Wetlands System for Water Polution Control
The shortcourse instructors:
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Günter Langergraber, Institute for Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria