Video archive of the 4th International HYDRUS Conference
We would like to present several videos from the 4th International HYDRUS Conference help in Prague, March 18-20, 2013. The videos were prepared and uploaded by Dr. Mohammad ELNesr (Video archive of the conference)
Download the Book of Abstracts (680 kB)
Thursday, March 21, Morning session: Variably-Saturated Water Flow and Transport of Contaminants
Simunek & van Genuchten: General thoughts on modeling flow and transport processes in soils and groundwater
Kalin et al.: Comparison of two numerical modeling codes for hydraulic and transport calculations in the near field
Pontedeiro et al.:HYDRUS-1D modeling applications to waste disposal problems in Brazil. (Brazil)
Xiao et al.: Simulation of heavy metal transport in unsaturated soil: Use of scale factors to quantify variable sorption isotherms. (Germany)
Schwen et al.:Temporal variations of soil hydraulic properties and its effect on soil water simulations. (Austria)
Grinevskiy et al.:The use of HYDRUS-1D for groundwater recharge estimation in boreal environments. (Russia)
Kanzari et al.: Characterization and modeling of water movement and salts transfer in a semi-arid region of Tunisia. (Tunisia)
Kurinova: Sensitivity of recharge evaluation results using HYDRUS to parameters and boundary conditions variations. (Russia)
Filipović et al.: Numerical modeling of water flow and nitrate dynamics on zero tension plate lysimeters using HYDRUS-2D. (Croatia)
Pozdniakov et al.: Simulation of groundwater evapotranspiration with HYDRUS-1D in desert environments. (Russia)
Thursday, March 21, Afternoon session: Inverse Problems, Nonequilibrium Flow
Kodešová: Selected applications of HYDRUS models to evaluate uniform and nonequilibrium flow in structured soils.
Diamantopoulos et al.: Dynamic non-equilibrium water flow in variably saturated porous media. (Germany)
Kébré et al.: Transfer at low water content: new and simple experimental approach for inverse determination of van Genuchten transport coefficients. (France, Burkina Faso)
Léger et al.: Inverting saturated hydraulic conductivity from surface ground-penetrating radar monitoring of infiltration. (France)
Glæsner et al.: Single- and double-porosity modeling of solute transport in intact soil columns – effects of texture, slurry placement, and intermittent irrigation. (Denmark, Germany)
Turkeltaub et al.: Investigation of recharge fluxes under different land-uses with calibrated models to transient deep vadose zone data. (Israel)
Anlauf et al.:Simulation of water and air distribution in growing media. (Germany)
Poster Session
Friday, March 22, Morning session: Biogeochemical Transport and Reactions
Langergraber & Šimůnek: Reactive transport modeling of subsurface flow constructed wetlands using the HYDRUS wetland module. (Austria)
Morvannou et al.: Which Hydraulic Model to Use in Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands? (France)
Karlsson et al.: Hydraulic properties and reduction of COD, phosphorus and nitrogen in sand filters used for greywater treatment – simulation and verification. (Sweden)
Leterme et al.: Groundwater recharge modeling in the Nete catchment (Belgium) with HYDRUS-1D – MODFLOW coupling. (Belgium)
Haile & Merkel: Simulation of uranium tailing leaching using VS2DRT. (Germany)
Jacques et al.: The HPx reactive transport models: a short overview of development and possibilities.
Toride & Chen Fate and transport of nitrogen in soils based on a coupled nitrogen-carbon cycling model using the HP1 code. (Japan)
Leterme & Jacques: Hg modelling in soil systems using HP1. (Belgium)
Thaysen et al.: CO2 fluxes to aquifers beneath cropland: merging measurements and modeling. (Denmark)
Sandhu et al.: Predicting the impact of treated wastewater on groundwater recharge by simulating reactive transport in the unsaturated zone. (Germany)
Friday, March 22, Afternoon session: Irrigation Applications, and Miscellaneous Topics
Šimůnek: et al.: Development and applications of the HYDRUS software since the last HYDRUS workshop.
Dabach et al.: Optimization of triggered irrigation using a system dependent boundary condition in HYDRUS 2D/3D. (Israel)
Phogat et al.: Seasonal simulation of water and salinity dynamics under different irrigation applications of almond in pulsed and continuous mode. (Australia)
El-Nesr et al.: Dual-drip subsurface irrigation system: Can it act as a hydraulic barrier? (Saudi Arabia)
Ramos et al.: Modeling water and nitrogen fate in plots with sweet sorghum irrigated with fresh and blended saline waters using HYDRUS-2D. (Portugal)
Arye & Simunek: Modeling surface-active solute transport with HYDRUS. (Israel)
Couvreur et al.: The root system as a hydraulic architecture: principles and applications. (Belgium)
Orfánus: Slope drainage by logging roads and its contribution to the 2011 flood peak in the Píla village. Simulation with HYDRUS-2D. (Slovakia)