HYDRUS-1D Tutorial Book Examples

CSIRO HYDRUS-1D Tutorial Book (Rassam et al., 2018)
Description of Tutorial 1 adapted for Version 5 of HYDRUS
This tutorial book provides a series of example problems for version 4.16 of HYDRUS-1D, a software package for simulating water, heat and solute movement in one-dimensional variably saturated media.The objective of this introductory HYDRUS-1D tutorial is to give HYDRUS-1D users a first hands-on experience with the HYDRUS-1D software package and to familiarize themselves with the overall organization of the HYDRUS-1D graphical user interface, including the main input and output dialog windows.
- Example problems include variably-saturated water flow in single- and multi-layered soil profiles with and without root water uptake.
- Both short- and long-term climatic boundary conditions are considered, with a focus on calculating soil water balance and groundwater recharge.
- Subsequent examples deal with basic advective-dispersive solute transport without solid-liquid interactions, as well as more advanced contaminant transport problems involving linear or non-linear equilibrium sorption reactions and chemical non-equilibrium processes described using one-site sorption kinetics.
- Physical non-equilibrium (mobile-immobile water type) solute transport is also discussed, as well as the combined effect of physical and chemical non-equilibrium effects on solute transport (i.e., a mobile-immobile type model with two-site sorption in the mobile zone).
- Two inverse modelling examples consider one-step and multi-step outflow.
- The final example is about coupled heat movement and reactive solute transport.
Example 1
Infiltration of Water into a Single-Layer Soil Profile.
Example 2
Infiltration of Water into a Two-Layer Soil Profile.
Example 3
Root Water Uptake in a Soil Profile.
Example 4
Estimating Groundwater Recharge (using Meteorological Data).
Example 5a
Basic Solute Transport: Solute Introduced through a Constant Flux Boundary.
Example 5b
Basic Solute Transport: Solute Introduced through a Constant Pressure Head Boundary.
Example 5c
Basic Solute Transport: Profile with Non-Zero Initial Solute Concentration.
Example 5d
Basic Solute Transport: The Effects of Solute Dispersion.
Example 5e1
Basic Solute Transport: The Effects of High Diffusion.
Example 5e2
Basic Solute Transport: The Effects of Low Diffusion.
Example 6a1
Advanced Solute Transport: Equilibrium (instantaneous) Linear Sorption.
Example 6a2
Advanced Solute Transport - No Retardation.
Example 6b
Advanced Solute Transport: Equilibrium (instantaneous) Non-Linear Sorption.
Example 6c1
Advanced Solute Transport: Chemical Non-Equilibrium One-site Sorption (rapid flow).
Example 6c2
Advanced Solute Transport: Chemical Non-Equilibrium One-site Sorption (slow flow).
Example 6c3
Advanced Solute Transport: Chemical Non-Equilibrium One-site Sorption (steady state flow).
Example 6d
Advanced Solute Transport: Physical Non-Equilibrium, Dual Porosity (Mobile-Immobile Water).
Example 6e
Advanced Solute Transport: Dual-Porosity Model with Two-site Sorption in the Mobile Zone (Physical and Chemical Non-equilibrium).
Example 7a
Inverse Modeling - One-Step Outflow Method.
Example 7b
Inverse Modeling - Multi-Step Outflow Method.
Example 8
Heat Transport and Reactive Solute Transport (with a Stagnant BC for Volatile Solutes).
- Rassam, D., J. Šimůnek, D. Mallants, and M. Th. van Genuchten, The HYDRUS-1D Software Package for Simulating the One-Dimensional Movement of Water, Heat, and Multiple Solutes in Variably-Saturated Media: Tutorial, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide, Australia, 183 pp., ISBN 978-1-4863-1001-2, 2018.
- Šimůnek, J., G. Brunetti, D. Jacques, M. Th. van Genuchten, and M. Šejna, Recent developments and applications of the HYDRUS computer software packages since 2016, Vadose Zone Journal, 23(1), e20310, 29 p., doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20310, 2024. (Supplementary Material)