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DREAM Suite Software Development Kit is a package of C++ libraries and source files needed for the development of DREAM plugin modules or DREAM applications. This SDK is installed to the “DREAM Data” directory selected during installation of DREAM Suite. The default location is C:\Users\Public\Documents\PC-Progress\DREAM Suite 1.x\SDK_102 ("102" corresponds to version 1.02)  

DREAM SDK components


Although DREAM Solver is a COM server and its use is not limited to C++ language, all demo examples have been developed in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio. For a hassle-free development of DREAM plugin modules, we recommend using VS 2013 or 2015 (e.g. the Community Edition, which is free for individual programmers). Using other compilers may require additional work and modification of prepared examples and templates.  

When compiling a DREAM plugin module, Visual Studio needs to know the path to the DREAM SDK directory to locate libraries and files described above. This path is defined by system environment variable DREAM1_SDK, which is created by the DREAM Suite installation program or can be created / modified manually (see Figure 6.1.1. "DREAM1_SDK environment variable"). Please note that a change of this environment variable always requires restarting Visual Studio and may also require restarting Windows to reflect this change in command prompt and console applications. You can change the path to DREAM SDK directory in DREAM Program Options dialog or directly in Windows system settings - see figure 6.1.1.

Figure 6.1.1. DREAM1_SDK environment variable.